♛ 08. ʜᴏᴜꜱᴇᴍᴀᴛᴇꜱ

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Obanai stood awkwardly behind [name] as she was fumbling through her bag

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Obanai stood awkwardly behind [name] as she was fumbling through her bag. She had a slight frown on her face as she tried to find her keys, and eventually, a gentle smile appeared on her face then as she brought it out with a smile on her face. She then hummed a soft tune as she inserted the key into the keyhole and unlocked it.

"Come in, don't stand outside there like an idiot," [name] said with a smile and somehow Obanai wasn't even offended with the fact that she had referred to him as an 'idiot'. He slowly entered and copied [name]'s actions, removing his shoes and his heterochromia eyes stepped foot onto the wooden flooring of [name]'s humble home.

"Welcome to my home, Iguro-san!" she said with a smile as he entered the living room and his heterochromia eyes couldn't help but widen at how beautiful her home looked. He then watched as she opened a room door, and soon switched on the light. A wide smile remaining on her face as she ushered him into the room to have a look.

"This is your bedroom, don't worry. I cleaned it up," [name] said with a smile and Obanai looked around, noticing how clean and well packed the room was. There was a proper bed for him with blankets and pillows, along with a small desk that had a table lamp and a bookshelf above it, filled with books as well.

"Ah, there aren't many clothes for you but I brought what you had on hand at the asylum, so I'll just wash them and dry them, then I will put them in the cupboard over there, okay?" [name] asked as she pointed towards the cupboard in the room, and Obanai slowly nodded his head in response.

"Ah, why not you have a shower first? I'm sure you are hungry. I'll get dinner ready," [name] said with a smile and she soon guided Obanai towards the bathroom and ushered him towards the bathroom. [name] then noticed how he looked awkwardly, and [name] realized that it might have been a long time ever since he operated a shower on his own, given how the asylum only had cold water running.

"Ah, if you turn that knob, and this knob together, hot water will come out. But please be careful and not burn yourself, okay?" [name] spoke out as she gently ruffled Obanai on the head, and he slowly nodded his head. [name] then closed the door behind her and proceeds into the kitchen.

A smile appeared on her face then as she started to prepare dinner. A gentle smile appeared on her face then as she started to cut up the vegetables, and she heard the bathroom door opening. Her dark blue ocean eyes widened as she heard a loud thud and she quickly placed the knife down and turned to look, and she rushed to where Obanai was.

"Ara, Iguro-san! Why didn't you dry yourself?" [name] asked and Obanai could only wince a little as his bum was hurting slightly. [name] then grabbed hold of the towel on his head and proceeded to help him stand up and brought him over to the sofa, and she started to dry his hair.

"Sorry..." he mumbled out and [name] noticed how tensed up he was. She then laughed softly then as she gently caressed his face and gave it a little pinch.

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