♛ ᴇᴘɪʟᴏᴜɢᴇ

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"You are still working?" Obanai asked as he looked at [name] who was seated in her brand new office. He smiled softly as [name] looked up from her laptop then and she picked up a few pieces of papers and waved it in front of him with a wide smile on her face.

"Almost done!" she said with a smile as she tried to finish up her reports.

"Ahhh, it feels like home," Obanai called out as he walked over to where [name] was and hugged her tightly from the side. Placing his head on the top of hers as he watched as she diligently typed her reports into her work laptop.

"Ara, Obanai-kun. You are rather impatient today," [name] pointed out and Obanai could only have a slight pout on his face then.

"It's our wedding anniversary, what do you expect?" Obanai pointed out and [name] could only laugh softly then as Obanai soon picked up a piece of the report and his heterochromia eyes scanned through it.

"Ah, you are still writing up about what happened to us back then?" he asked, and [name] nodded her head in response.

"Of course. It is great to research as well. It just shows how easily something can trigger the way our mind works. It causes us to hallucinate, act out of the ordinary and many other things as well," [name] spoke out and Obanai could only chuckle softly at how excited his wife was when it comes to such things.

"And to add on, why didn't I realize it sooner that because of the bad memories we had in the past, that was why we reacted in such a way. But then again, it was because I didn't remember at all until the very end. I really must apologize for it," [name] spoke out only to have Obanai kissing her on the lips and silencing her.

"Nonsense," he whispered out.

"Sensei!" and [name] along with Obanai looked up at Tanjiro who had on a wide smile as he tugged someone in. [name]'s dark blue ocean eyes then lit up upon looking at Kanao who had on a flustered facial expression on her face.

"Hello, Kanao! It's been a while!" [name] said with a smile and gently elbowed her husband as he was giving off a scowl towards Tanjiro for disrupting [name]'s concentration.

"Kanao wants to start working here as well, will that be fine?" Tanjiro asked and [name] laughed a little then.

"Well, if she wants I can assign her to be Shinobu's assistant," [name] spoke out and Kanao's eyes lit up upon listening to what [name] had just said.

"Welcome to the family, Kanao. The Asylum of Light welcomes you wholeheartedly," [name] said with a smile and Kanao couldn't help but blush a little then as Tanjiro pulled Kanao out of the room as he wanted to bring her to find Shinobu.

"Well, at least we know this asylum helps to aid the patients and that there are no demons here as well," Obanai pointed out and [name] could only shrug her shoulders in response then as she soon shut her work laptop and stretched.

Her face flushed red as Obanai kissed her on the lips.

"I missed your lips," he whispered out, and [name] could only laugh softly then.

"Message! Message!" and [name] looked at her phone then and she could only have on an apologetic smile as she showed it to Obanai.

"Looks like our wedding anniversary dinner will have to wait, my love," [name] spoke out and Obanai could only let out a sigh then as he picked up his nichirin blade and strapped it to his side, just as [name] opened her drawer and pulled out her nichirin blade as well.

"Message! Demons sighted at the west beach! Please assist!" her phone read out and she could only shake her head a little then.

"Looks like we just have to ensure no more demons exist once again," [name] spoke out and soon Obanai looked at her once again and pecked her on the lips.

"Don't you find it weird how we have these nichirin blades?" Obanai asked and [name] could only shrug her shoulders then.

"I wonder who made them. I doubt it would be in such a perfect condition since 100 years ago," [name] pointed out and Obanai could only shake his head in response as well.

And a certain swordsmith was raging ever since then when he found out the blades he made for fun was stolen unknowingly.

The End

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