♛ 01. ᴛʀᴜꜱᴛ

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"Well then, since I do not know you from the very beginning, we shall start from the very beginning, okay?" [name] spoke out as she got out her notebook and pen, and soon she flipped to an empty page, whereas Iguro Obanai's heterochromia eyes continued to remain on [name]'s body.

"Iguro-san?" [name] called out as she soon reached out and snapped her fingers in front of him, causing him to blink his heterochromia eyes slightly in response then. A gentle smile appeared on her lips and Obanai's eyes could only widen as he felt a tug on his cold heart.

"So... Iguro-san, why are you here?" she asked with a smile as Kaburamaru soon slithered down her arm and went back to where Obanai sat and soon slithered up his arm that was covered by the long sleeves of the clothes that he was forced to wear, and [name] watched as Kaburamaru soon wrapped himself around Obanai's neck in a gentle manner.

"Insane," Obanai spoke out flatly, and [name] hummed in response then as she soon placed her left elbow onto the table and placed her chin on the palm of her left hand as she looked at Obanai once more with a soft gentle smile.

"Iguro-san, that isn't going to be very helpful for me. I will need you to cooperate as much as you can with me, like how your friends did," she said with a smile and Obanai's eyes widened slightly as [name] had mentioned about his friends.

"Let's see... Hm... There is Himejima Gyomei, who spoke to me about how he was taking care of orphans and was attacked by a demon. They deemed him crazy and a murderer as well, which was why he was sent here labelled as a psychopath," [name] spoke out and soon she smiled softly then.

"But then again, after much consultation and progress with me, he's out now with a clean record and is currently a caretaker at an orphanage," [name] added on and Obanai eyed her suspiciously.

"Do you even believe in demons, or are you just doing this for the sake of your job?" he asked, and [name] could only laugh softly then as this wasn't the first time her patient had asked her such a question. She then hummed a tune then as her pink-tinted lips soon parted ways.

"I have never seen a demon before. Never once in my life, maybe I am considered to be lucky. But then, I chose to believe whatever my patients say," [name] spoke out and she looked as Obanai continued to have his heterochromia eyes narrowed.

"Quit narrowing your eyes at me, Iguro-san. Like I said I will believe whatever you are going to tell me. I'm sure you know how hot-headed your friend Shinazugawa Sanemi was when we first met, but look at him now, out in the public as a mathematics teacher," [name] added on as she started to take notes of what was going on.

"It's fine, I can understand that you aren't willing to tell me anything, given how we just met," she added on and soon looked at Obanai who started to relax a little in his seat. She then smiled softly as she soon brought out her phone and showed him a photograph.

"Look, it's Rengoku-san," [name] said with a smile, and watched as Obanai visibly relaxed even more. [name] then laughed softly and she soon stood up, which Obanai watched as she left her pen there and he grabbed hold of it as she walked towards the door.

"Tanjiro? Do you mind getting food for me and Iguro-san?" [name] called out and she laughed a little when she heard Tanjiro letting out a sigh and watched as he slid opened the peephole.

"Sensei..." he mumbled out and [name] laughed a little then.

"I'll pay you back, don't worry. Since when I don't?" she asked and Tanjiro nodded his head and soon slid the peephole shut and [name] listened as his footsteps echoed through the hallway and soon disappeared. [name] then turned and she flashed a smile, despite the pen pointed towards her throat.

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