♛ 05. ᴀʀᴛ ɢᴀʟʟᴇʀʏ

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"Sensei? Are you here?" Tanjiro called out once again and he looked at [name] who had slouched over her desk once again. He let out another sigh as he walked into the office, shutting the door behind him as he had prepared some hot coffee for her this time round.

"Sensei..." Tanjiro called out as he set the cup of coffee down onto the desk and watched as [name] slowly shifted her head, but showing no sign of waking up. He let out yet another sigh, because [name] was supposed to be taking a break for a week as instructed by Michikatsu.

But here she was, working her brains off at her desk in the office, trying to quickly get Iguro Obanai free from the asylum.

The reason why Michikatsu wanted her to take a week off, was because of her findings. Out of all the psychologists that worked at the asylum, Michikatsu trusted [name] the most, because she will provide the necessary evidence.

But just because she had those photographs taken, it doesn't mean that Iguro Obanai wasn't insane.

"She's here, isn't she?" and Tanjiro tensed up as he heard Michikatsu's voice and he slowly turned to look and slowly nodded his head as Michikatsu let out another sigh as he walked deeper into the office.

"No wonder when I called her house phone, there wasn't an answer. Had to make sure she was taking the week off," he muttered out as he walked over to where [name] was laying on the table and let out yet another sigh as he looked at the work that was sprawled out on the table.

Trying to find some links to demons.

"Michikatsu-san, you were a demon right?" Tanjiro asked and Michikatsu rolled his eyes in response as to what Tanjiro had asked.

Because little did [name] know, that those who worked at the asylum, were people who had their memories of their past lives remaining in their current mind.

"Me being a demon before isn't going to help aid [name] in her case," Michikatsu spoke out as he leaned against the table with his back facing Tanjiro as he faced out of the full-length window of [name]'s office instead, crossing his arms over his chest.

"But what I can assume, this is another universe," Michikatsu added on and watched as [name] started to stir in her sleep. He watched as she shifted a little more and soon sat up, placing a hand against her forehead at the rising headache that she was having, and she let out a sigh.

"Tanjiro? Are you here, Tanjiro?" she called out and soon reached out, grabbing hold of a hand. She smiled softly but then soon frowned when she noticed how the hand was much larger than usual and she slowly opened her dark blue ocean eyes instead.

She blinked her eyes a few times before allowing her vision to travel along the arm that was attached to the hand and her dark blue ocean eyes widened as she soon had on an embarrassed smile as Michikatsu was smiling at her with his eyes closed and lips curled up.

An irk mark visible on his forehead.

"Ow! Ow! Ow!" [name] cried out as Michikatsu harshly pulled her cheek and tears started to well up in her eyes at the immense pain that was coming from the pull. She had on a slight pout and Michikatsu continued to have that smile on his face and irk mark on his head as he continued to pull.

"Aren't you supposed to be on leave? Why are you here?" he muttered out and [name] let out another sigh then as he pulled harshly once again, and [name] could only have on a slight pout as he released her cheek from his fingers and she could only rub her cheek gently.

"Ow, sensei!" she whined out and Michikatsu raised an eyebrow in response and she could only let out a soft sigh once again as she shifted away on her chair, moving towards the corner instead.

𝙠𝙣𝙮, 𝙖𝙩𝙩𝙖𝙘𝙝𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩Where stories live. Discover now