♛ 11. ɪɴꜱᴀɴᴇ

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"Uhh... What is going on? What is this?" [name] whispered to herself as she looked at what was happening before her. Her dark blue ocean eyes looked as she was looking at a young girl, who was clearly her younger self.

It was so easy to tell.

Along with Haizaki as well, her older brother.

She watched as blood continued to flow out from her brother's body as her father continued to mutate her older brother's body, and soon it was done. It was surprisingly quiet, for Haizaki wasn't in pain.

He had bear with the pain, and now there he was.

With his chest stitched up, [name] could only get out of her mother's hold and walked over to Haizaki. He chuckled in response and opened his arms, allowing his younger sister to come closer to him for a hug.

Despite the blood on his body.

"There, it should be safe now," their father spoke out, and [name] sniffed the air a little. Her eyes widened as she turned to look at the direction where she smelt a foul smell coming from. An extremely disgusting smell.

"[name], they're here. Haizaki, take [name] away. They're after you, head over to where Oyakata-sama promised he will wait," their mother spoke out and Haizaki nodded. He then grabbed hold of their belongings their father held out for them and took off running from the back of the house.

"Why are they after them?" [name] whispered to herself as the scene before her soon changed to a running scene as she looked at her younger self being carried by Haizaki, running away from demons that were chasing after them.

"Nii-san," [name] called out and Haizaki looked down at his younger sister and he smiled.

"Don't worry, all of these are for a good cause," he answered, and quickly picked up [name]. Her dark blue ocean eyes widened at the amount of strength Haizaki had, for he used to be a weak boy, and [name] was just a normal girl who learned a few medicine tricks.

"Wow, this blue spider lily really is letting me feel alive again," Haizaki chuckled out, and [name] narrowed her eyes slightly and hit him on the back of his head.

"Hurry, they're gaining on us,"

"Blue spider lily?" [name] whispered to herself.

[name]'s dark blue ocean eyes shot opened the moment she heard the doorbell ringing. Her heart pounding hard against her chest as she realized she was just having a hallucinating dream of her younger self. She soon sat up on her bed and shook her head a little.

"What a dream," she whispered to herself as she flung the covers away and noticed how it was past 1 in the morning. She then frowned, wondering who had rung her doorbell. She doubts it would be Obanai, given how he no longer lived with her or in the asylum anymore.

She pulled on her cardigan and proceeded out of her room, switching on the lights in the living room as she pressed the intercom, only to show nobody at the front door. Shrugging her shoulders a little then, she proceeds to return to her room, only to hear the doorbell ringing once again.

Her dark blue ocean eyes widened as she felt an ominous vibe radiating from her front door. She looked into the intercom again, only to notice nobody was standing there. Swallowing the lump in her throat, she proceeds to turn away.

Not realizing that someone was indeed there and her intercom's screen started to flicker.

[name] then slowly went towards her front door and opened it, only to be greeted by nothing. She looked around and saw no movements in the corridor as well, and soon looked down as she minded her step, only to notice a box. She tilts her head a little in confusion and picks it up, realizing how heavy it was.

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