♛ 10. ᴛᴇꜱᴛ

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"Sensei?" Tanjiro called out as he entered her office. He had on a slight frown then at how messy the office was, a clear sign that she was terribly stressed out with her workload. He let out a sigh as he could smell the heavy scent of 'being stressed' lingering in the air as he started to pick up the papers that were scattered everywhere. He hummed a tune to himself as he placed the cup of hot tea onto her desk first before proceeding to clean up her office.

"Sensei..." Tanjiro mumbled out as he finished cleaning up the mess and soon walked over towards the sofa where he knew [name] would be laying in there. He let out a sigh then as he rubbed the back of his neck a little as he looked at one of the top tier psychologists, laying on the sofa with a file covering her face as she had her earphones plugged into her ears, fast asleep.

"Sensei... Why do I always have to see you in such a state whenever you work yourself off? Especially when you are finally well-rested after being at home for so long," Tanjiro muttered to himself, terribly used to the scene before him.

Although he wished he didn't have to go through such a thing for so many days.

He let out another sigh again as he shook her on the shoulder, and he watched as she started to stir in her sleep. He watched as she removed the file that was covering her face, and her dark blue ocean eyes slowly opened. She blinked a few times to adjust to the brightness of the light in the room and tilts her head up a little more as she looked at Tanjiro who was holding out the cup of hot tea.

"Good afternoon, Tanjiro," she whispered out as she sat up and grabbed hold of the cup of hot tea from his hand. She then yawned a little and soon took a sip of the hot liquid, a smile gracing upon her face as the hot liquid warmed her body from within.

"Sensei, you are rather restless ever since Iguro-san has been placed on the test," Tanjiro spoke out and [name] couldn't help but smile softly as her lips curled upwards as it remained against the side of the cup.

"Of course I am. This test will determine whether he is alright to proceed out in public," [name] spoke out and Tanjiro could only hum in response at what she had just said.

"SENSEI! I AM HERE!" and [name] flinched upon the sound of her door slamming opened and she spilled the hot cup of tea onto her lap. She cried out in pain as Tanjiro quickly grabbed some tissue and wiped her lap as [name] had her head tilt back and tears were rolling down her face.

"Rengoku-san! You scare sensei!" Tanjiro yelled out and Kyojuro didn't really have an apologetic look on his face. [name] then let out a soft sigh then at the burning sensation that lingered on her lap and she could only press her lips into a fine thin line once again.

"Ahhh, I'm suddenly having mixed feelings," [name] mumbled out and Tanjiro could only gently pat his mentor on the head, trying to ease her stress from overexerting her petite body as always.

"Maybe you should conduct the follow-ups to clear your mind off things. We have lots of time until evening," Tanjiro spoke out and [name] could only let out yet, another sigh once again.

"I'm just very worried," [name] mumbled out.

"Sensei, you shouldn't doubt Iguro-san," Tanjiro spoke out.

"Sensei... You can't speak in such a way. You have helped so many patients with similar symptoms, you should be feeling confident about it instead," Tanjiro spoke out and [name] let out a sigh once again then as she stood up and stretched her body, popping a few air bubbles here and there.

"I'm not doubting him, I'm doubting my self," she mumbled out and she winced when Tanjiro headbutted her on the forehead and she cried out in pain. Her vision started spinning as her head tilts backward, and she could only whine out in pain as always as Tanjiro started to apologize profusely.

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