♛ 07. ᴅᴇᴛᴇʀᴍɪɴᴇᴅ

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"Sensei, are you alright?" Tanjiro asked as he waited for [name] at the lobby in the carpark. He was rather afraid due to how [name] would be attending a meeting in regards to her previous night's behavior of being disrespectful towards the higher ends and protecting an inmate, or rather, now known as a psychopath.

"Yeah, I'm fine," and Tanjiro winced slightly at the lingering scent of a cigarette and he could only let out a sigh as he rummaged through his pocket and brought out some mints for [name], including some wet tissue as well. He then presented it to [name], who then had on a rather bitter smile as she accepted those from Tanjiro's hands.

"Is it really that heavy? I smoked one," [name] explained, and Tanjiro pointed towards his nose and [name] could only hum in response, understanding where her assistant was coming from in regards to his enhanced sense of smell.

She proceeds to pop a mint into her mouth and grabbed hold of the wet tissue to clean her fingers thoroughly. [name] then watched as the elevator started to descend from the ground floor, and somehow she could feel her heart racing. Her heart pounding hard against her chest as she was afraid.

After all, there might be a chance [name] will be taken off the line and not be associated with Iguro Obanai ever again, which [name] prayed that it wouldn't happen at all.

Tanjiro could smell the scent of anxiety rising from [name]'s body. It was clear, she was worried. She didn't know what to do in this current situation. All she could think about was to ensure that Obanai would be safe from getting executed.

The thought of having him placed into an electric chair, sent shivers down her spine as she remembered in the report she had read about her older brother, obtaining such punishment as well. And the last time she could see him, was an hour before he got executed. He was chained, wrapped up as well.

She will never forget that scene, never.

Even till this day, whenever she has a new patient to take care of, she will dream about them being in such a condition, that it will cause her to wake up due to horror and all she could do was to ease her heart rate by indulging in toxic fumes or toxic liquids.

The sound of the elevator's 'ding' was heard and Tanjiro could only slowly usher [name] into the elevator, knowing that she was getting cold feet right now. He then raised his finger up and looked through the floor number, only to look at [name] confusedly.

"28..." she whispered out and Tanjiro nodded as he pushed the button that had the number '28', and the elevator started to move. [name] then gripped onto the railing in the elevator, and Tanjiro could only notice how her knuckles were turning white as well.

He contemplated whether he should let Kyojuro and the others know about the current situation that was happening for [name] and Obanai. But he knew, he needed to confirm the situation first, if not a certain Sound Hashira and Wind Hashira along with the Flame Hashira would burst through the door and start yelling at the higher ends of the asylum.

"Ah..." [name] mumbled out as the elevator door opened and she stepped out. Her dark blue ocean eyes laid upon her mentor as well as his younger twin brother as well who had decided to crash in the meeting as per discussed the previous night.

"Did you sleep well?" Yoriichi asked as he placed a large hand on [name]'s head and gently ruffled it. He watched as [name] slowly nodded her head in response and he could only have a gentle smile on his face then. Michikatsu then pinched [name]'s cheek harshly and she yelps in pain and noticed how he was holding up a white plastic bag.

"Breakfast," he mumbled out and [name] had on a slight frown as Michikatsu was pulling her cheek upwards, and Yoriichi had to stop his older twin brother from ripping her cheek off her face. Michikatsu then lets go of [name]'s face and watched as her cheek turned red from the pressure he had applied on her cheek.

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