♛ 02. ꜱᴇʀᴘᴇɴᴛ ʜᴀꜱʜɪʀᴀ

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"Sensei?" Tanjiro called out as he entered her office

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"Sensei?" Tanjiro called out as he entered her office. He had on a slight frown then at how messy the office was, a clear sign that she was terribly stressed out with her workload. He let out a sigh as he could smell the heavy scent of 'being stressed' lingering in the air as he started to pick up the papers that were scattered everywhere. He hummed a tune to himself as he placed the cup of hot tea onto her desk first before proceeding to clean up her office.

"Sensei..." Tanjiro mumbled out as he finished cleaning up the mess and soon walked over towards the sofa where he knew [name] would be laying in there. He let out a sigh then as he rubbed the back of his neck a little as he looked at one of the top tier psychologists, laying on the sofa with a file covering her face as she had her earphones plugged into her ears, fast asleep.

He let out another sigh again as he shook her on the shoulder, and he watched as she started to stir in her sleep. He watched as she removed the file that was covering her face, and her dark blue ocean eyes slowly opened. She blinked a few times to adjust to the brightness of the light in the room and tilts her head up a little more as she looked at Tanjiro who was holding out the cup of hot tea.

"Good afternoon, Tanjiro," she whispered out as she sat up and grabbed hold of the cup of hot tea from his hand. She then yawned a little and soon took a sip of the hot liquid, a smile gracing upon her face as the hot liquid warmed her body from within.

She then felt Tanjiro placing a hand against her forehead and she frowned a little then as he let out yet another sigh. She soon placed the cup down and leaned into the sofa once again and turned to look at Tanjiro, who had on a concerned look.

"What's wrong?" she asked, a little confused as to why he was showing her that look.

"Sensei... You overwork yourself again and skipped breakfast, didn't you?" he asked, and [name] let out a soft sigh then, realizing that Tanjiro had found out and she noticed how he had set down a tray of sandwiches onto the table as well.

"I'm not really in the mood to eat, Tanjiro. I'm sorry," she mumbled out and Tanjiro raised an eyebrow in response then. [name] then watched as he bends down to grab hold of the tray and soon felt her fingers holding his hanafuda earring gently.

"Sensei, you are thinking too much now. The scent is overflowing," Tanjiro spoke out and [name] laughed softly then as she shook her head in response. She then lets go of his earring and proceeds to turn to look at the notes that were sprawled out on the table.

"I don't know, Tanjiro. I'm having second thoughts in regards to Iguro-san's case," [name] spoke out and Tanjiro's eyes widened at what [name] had just said.

It was rare for her to speak like that, to look down on herself.

Something must have happened.

"Sensei... You can't speak in such a way. You have helped so many patients with similar symptoms, you should be feeling confident about it instead," Tanjiro spoke out and [name] let out a sigh once again then as she stood up and stretched her body, popping a few air bubbles here and there.

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