Chapter 1 - Marriage?

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"Marriage? Fuck no!"

"How dare you speak such vulgar language young lady? I raised you to be poised and a responsible princess of C/n." Like mother actually did. I barely even get to spend time with her, not like I wanted to. All she does if we do spend time is talk about my future. Blah blah this and blah blah that. Princesses don't this and don't do that. Princesses don't say this and don't say that, and now, she's talking about marriage? I couldn't help but curse out loud, it wasn't really on purpose, although I don't really care of what my mother's reaction is.

She was actually in rage, surprised about the fact that I just let such vulgar word out of my mouth. Can't help it though. She's being too much of a hassle. Ballerina classes and royal classes are already a pain, now she's adding the agony of being married? Does father even know this?

"Well I don't care mother, it's not like it's you who actually raised me!" I shouted back with a red face and shut the door behind me, walking out of the dining room, father wasn't exactly there, he's probably at his office doing some paperwork. I let out a heavy sigh as I walked through the hallways of this large castle. I feel like a hostage instead of a princess, oh wait, aren't all princess feeling that way? Probably.

My feet dragged me towards the familiar path way towards the garden. I go there to relax my brain, and get my thought out of my head. I finally reached my destination after a few minutes, I soon started making my way towards the secret entrance I had found when I was a child, actually, grandmother was the only other person alive to know about this.

Around the castle walls, there is a secret entrance to a secret room, it's not as large as mine, but it was still good. It had a glass roof, stone walls with a bit of moss growing in it, a few flowers here and there. A secret garden.

I sat myself the nearest chair, sighing once more before glancing upwards at the sky. It looks beautiful, as always. Clear and fresh. Some butterflies were flying around, they The thing I always wanted to be. I want to be free from the castle, from the princess life, from my mother, from everything that causes me this unconfortable feeling, but unfortunately, I'm a princess, I don't think I could ever get out of this forsaken life. I kind of wished I was a peasant instead, but if I do become one, I would probably wish to become a princess, but a normal civilian sound good, surely they don't wish to be anything and could freely do whatever they wanted, right?

"Child, I see you're here too." The familiar sound of grandmother's voice rang from the entrance. I saw here in there, standing with a book on hand, a small smile plastering her old and wrinkled face. I smiled back, although a sad one.

"Good day grandmother."

"Are you alright? Y/n?" I nodded in response, not really seeing why I whould say anything. "You're bad at lying, my child. You know you can tell your grandmother about anything." I have a lot of reasons why I love my grandmother more than my parents, she being very kind was one of them, another one is that she's like a bestfriend of mine and that I could trust her with everything.

"Well, mother arranged a marriage for me." My tone suddenly became downcast just by thinking about it. I don't want to marry someone who only wants to marry me for money and fame, I also don't want to marry a man I don't know.

"Dear, you know that it's vey common for princesses to have arrange marriages, right?"

"Yes, but, I didn't even meet this 'man' mother is talking about. Although, she did said I will meet them either today or the following day."

"It's alright Y/n. Let me see if I could help you with that, perhaps convince your mother to not continue the arrangement."

"Thank you grandmother, I would appreciate that, very much." Grandmother sent me a soft smile.

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