Chapter 12 - Forgotten

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"Your majesty! We have found the carriage." The king sighed in relief. The wedding ceremony was apparently cut a few minutes ago, due to the lack of another bride. Most of the guests had gone, except for a few who stayed back to check on what's happening(nosy people). "It seems like they were attacked somehow, several of the soldiers that were huarding the carriage are dead, except for about two of them."

"Is Y/n alright?" Elizza asked the soldier, a worried ecpression written on her face.

"I do not know your majesty, one of the knights just sent me to report back to the king."

"Well then take us in there! I'd like to see my sister safe!" (2p!Name) commanded.

"Right this way your highness." The soldier ran towards the direction of where they came from, the others following, not really bothering to take the carriage and just ran after the soldier who lead them into the carriage. It seemed fine, but not for some other bodies that were lying about. One of the alive knights was carrying Y/n in their arms.

"Is she alright Sir--err....Ms. Fiona?" The knight who was carrying the princess frowned.

"It dosen't seem so. We saw her highness passed out on the carriage floor when we came to check on her. Gladly she wasn't taken by the bandits."

"What?! Bandits?! But I thought father assigned several guards to protect the the princess."

"I apologize your highness but there are a lot of them for us to handle, gladly the few others retreated. I'm apologize for not doing my duty."

"It's alright, what matters is that you are all safe. Perhaps we should go back to the castle for now."

"I agree."


Y/n's POV

I woke up in a familiar yet unfamiliar room with a headache pounding on my head, it hurt very much for my liking. I clutched a gand over my head and gritted my teeth, trying to ignore the pain while I figure out where I am. Soon enough somebody seems to enter and gasp. My vision was blurry for a second, but then it cleared when I looked directly at my front where a male stood. Brown hair, purple eyes, fair skin(?), and a beauty mark under their lips.

Who might he be?

"You're finally awake!" He ran to me, it seems like he was about to hug me but then I stared at him like he was crazy and clutched the covers towards me.

"Who are you and where am I?" The unfamiliar male froze in his spot, his eyes were both wide as he stared back at me. I was a bit uncomfortable and looked away from his gaze. "It's rude to stare at strangers."

"Y-Y/n y-y-you......" Another person entered before he could even finish his sentence, this time it was a female. She had h/c hair and e/c eyes with s/t skin.

"What's taking you so....Y/n! You're alive!" I laughed sheepishly.

"Excuse me but you might mistaken me for someone else. I'm not this Y/n-woman you are talking about. My name name name......what's my name?" The female's jaw dropped, she dragged her feet towards me and looked closer at my eyes.

"No, no, no, no, no. You must be kidding, right? Y/n you love to joke, you're kidding, right?! It isn't funny as so you think it is." Now the woman was starting to make me uncomfortable too since she started shaking me by my shoulders.

"I-I-I'm sorry b-but y-you must clearly b-be mistaken. I-I'm certainly n-n-not joking and not this Y-Y/n female you are tslking about."

"No, no, NO! NO! JUST NO!" Tears started forming the woman's eyes as she sat on this overly large bed that I'm in, hands still on my shoulder while her eyes bore on mine. I sent her an apologice smile and then she started sobbing, I looked at the male from before and saw tears slowly cascading down his face.

What's wrong with them?

"This can't. It just can't!" There was a knock on the door, several seconds later it opened to show another female, with a male. The male looked like the first man that was here who was currently still standing at his spot while tearing up, while the woman, had long black hair and big brown eyes with a pale complexion.

"What happened in here Roderich?" The woman asked the man that was standing at the middle of the room.

"Y-Y/n...." She then looked at me and smile. The other male narrowed his eyes.

"Something's clearly not right Elizza." The ravenette woman ignored him and ran towards me, holding my hand.

"You're finally awake! What happened to (2p!Name) and Roderich?"

"I apologize if I did not remember, but, have we met before." The other woman's reaction seem to be like the first one's, her eyes were wide and stared at me, before laughing nervously.

"Don't play a joke on me now Y/n, I know you're kidding. Stop playing already."

"But I really do not know you."

"No, that can't happen." I smiled nervously and shook my head. The unfamiliar woman soon let go of my hands and looked down sadly. "I see then." Then water started forming om her eyes.

What's with them all crying?

"Did you really forgot?" I shrugged my shoulders. In the corner of my eyes, I saw the first man that entered wall out of the room, his look-a-like/twin wated to stop him but he retracted his hand soon after the other male exited. The man then looked at me with a sad frown.

"I'm sorry....."


Sorry for the chapter, I'm getting actually busier lately, hopefully I'll update again soon after. Don't forget to vote/favourite the book if you liked it, also, comment your thoughts about the chapter. Have a great day and stay safe! ヽ(✿゚▽゚)ノ

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