Chapter 10 - With you

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Only a few more days before the wedding. Y/n was excited as ever, yet slightly nervous. The same way with Roderich. They're both anxious while their siblings were just chill. Like literally just chill. The invitations were alsready made and currently being passed to nobles and special guests, decorations were being placed at the church where the four were meant to be wedded. The dresses of the brides were already ready and displayed at their rooms. Each had unique designes, along with the suits the grooms will have to wear. Right now everything was going as planned. Y/n was at her room, eyes currently stuck on a book as she waited for the day to pass. Two more days. Two more until the wedding. Two more days until she would be bonded with the love of her life. She was extremely excited and anxious at the same time, thinking about the possible bad things that would happen instead of the positive ones.

What if I trip on the altar?

What if my dress falls out?

What if Roderich decided he didn't like me anynorr and leave me be?

What if something bad happens?

She thought, she had stopped reading a while ago just to think. Decideing to ignore those bad thoughts away, she continued on what she was currently doing.

After a while of reading, a knock came to the door.

"Come in." To her surprise, Roderich entered. She wasn't really expecting him today, or even right now. He was holding his violin case with some papers on his hands. "What brings you here Roderich?"

"Y/n, you remember that time when you forced me to play you that piece I make?" The female laughed at the thought.

"Yeah, pfft. What about it."

"Well, I've decided to finally play it to you, since I won't be able to be with you this next two days." The h/c haired female's eyes instantly sparkled at his words, putting her book aside and sitting straight. Roderich prepared everything and began playing. As she had heard, the song was sad yet beautiful. She couldn't really get over it. Soon enough, the piece was finished and Roderich playfully bowed.

"You're really great at playing the violin Rod!" The (Nationality or whatever) princess sent him a compliment, causing the male's cheeks to burn up.

"Thank you very much for the compliment Y/n. I wanted to spend time with you more but unfortunately, I have to go."

"Too soon?"

"Yes, I'm sorry liebe. We'll see each other in the next two days anyways, am I right?"


"I'll be on my way now." Roderich placed a kiss on the female's forehead just after fixing his things up and running to the door.

"Roddie! Wait!" The Austrian male turned around, facing the female.

"Yes?" The royal hesitated at first, but then finally had the courage to do what he wanted to. Strutting towards the male, she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him into a deep, passionate kiss. Roderich's eyes were wide but then he kissed back soon after, letting his violing case slowly in the floor before placing his own hands around the female's waist. The kiss happened for about a few more seconds until they had to both part away because of air. By the time the two were madly red. Their whole face was red and hot.

"Y-You should go now."

"Well, can I at least have one more kiss?"

(Dayum I'm jealous. Me want kissy from my senpai too......Anyways, moving on to the story)


Finally! The day you all have been waiting for. The wedding. Early morning Y/n was woken up by a bunch of maids and dressed up forcefully into her wedding gown. It was (description). (cuz I'm lazy.) After finishing the princess was now being caked up by make up. At least five maid were in there to do her face while her hair was also being done by five other maids who keep brushing it to take the strangled locks off together. It was a pain, and very long, but soon enough her hair was put into a beautiful bun with a few loose hair on the sides. Now Y/n looked at the mirror, staring at herself. She was shocked because she didn't look anything like her normal self. Of before she was ordinary, she was now extraordinary. She wondered how people would react. Her grandmother, mother, father, sister.......and Roderich. Y/n blushed at the thought of him. Their kiss to days ago was still on her mind, she couldn't really get it out(as well as Roderich). Heat brgan rising at her cheeks but it wasn't very noticable due to the make up.

"I look like a doll." The (Nationality) princess mumbled, still staring at herself. She then twirled and stared at the mirror once again. She saw her own reflection, then a sight of her mother who was standing at her door, smiling.

"My, my, you're all grown up. What a stunning lady you are."

"Hello mother."

"Greetings my dear. How are you feeling?"

"Slightly nervous at the fact that today is the day I'm getting married." Her mother chuckled, making her way towards her daughter and holding her hands, proceeding to lift her chin up.

"You look very beautiful darling. You'll be fine."

"Yeah, that really helps a lot."

"Hey, I once was in your place too. Mother was there to guide me and told me about her own wedding. My nervousness instantly subsided."

"Mother, not another one of your stories. They're too long, I might be late for the wedding." Her mother chuckled, kissing her forehead softly and smiling.

"Alright then. Just remember to think positive and always smile. Surely King Roderich would love you for that. I'm going to check on (2p!Name) now." With that she left the female along again as she stared at her mirror, blinking.

"Great. I'm left again. Alrighty, think positive and smile. You'll get over this Y/n. You'll pass, surely." A few more hours passed until she was escorted to a carriage that would carry her to the church where they would be wedded. (2p!Name) had her own carriage while the rest of the family had gone earlier, about an hour earlier. The Kings of Austria had also been at the church way earlier than the rest of the family.

A few more minutes and then she would already arrive.

She couldn't wait.


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