Chapter 17 - (Title)

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I didn't particularly know what he means by that. I ignored the letter for the whole day and continued on my work. Surprisingly, the day passed swiftly and I was able to pass the folders back to Sec. Dianah. She was suprised but sent me off quickly. Now that I'm finally free, I made my way back at the apartment me and Elizza was staying.

I arrived back at my room and instantly plopped down at my bed which caused of it to creak because of my sudden actions.

Finally, I could go back home early.

I thought as I stretched and rolled around like I would normally do. After that I changed into some confortable clothes. PJs with cute rainbow hearts on it that Elizza gave me. I dove into my covers once more, closing my eyes to take a small nap.

***Earlier that day***

3rd Person's POV

Roderich dropped off the files that Y/n were working on last night. He put it neatly on the female's cubicle, not forgetting to add that little note for her to see, before leaving. He had a meeting with a few of his the company's partners, discussing about business stuff that that author couldn't really describe since she's too lazy to. Regarless, the meeting was short and without even knowing it, it was time to go back to their own work.

"Mr. Edelstien, I do hope you would come too." One of the men in there told the brunet in which he only nodded about.

"Remember to bring a partner too." Another one butted in, chuckling at what he just said. Roderich didn't say anything and bid his farewell to his fellows before leaving the establishment. He didn't want to be in there any further, it was suffocating.

It was alwayd about business. As a kid he was trained and thought to manage businesses. He didn't have time to have fun which caused him to be like this. Going back to our plot,

Roderich drove back to the familiar building, stepping out of his car before entering the establishment and making his way to the familiar elevator.

As soon as he arrived the top floor he instantly made his way towards his office to do his work. Although from time to time his mind keep drifting at the invitation.

He could just go or or not. He would be fine either way.


I woke up when my phone suddenly rang. I grumpily took my phone from thd nightstand and glanced at whoever the hell was calling.

An unfamiliar number.

Me being me, answered it of course.

"Mission done. All I have to do is clean the blood." I said in a husky voice. The other line was silent for a second, until I heard the familiar voice of my boss.

"My apologies, maybe I called the wrong number."

Shit. What the fuck have I gotten myself into?

"Oh, Mr. Edelstein. I'm sorry sir. It was just a joke, I thought you were someone...."

"I see. Now, L/n, I need to ask you a favour."


I'm stunned. Why? Let's just say that Mr. Business dude here just basically asked me out. Well not literally, it's more like I owe him and he's now suddenly calling me for that favour. So, he told me to get ready next Saturday for a goddamn party. He said that he will also be sending me the things I needed. I wasn't really able to say anything after that and just nidded--which he probably didn't know since he hang up soon after.

I sighed before plopping back down at the comfy ass bed of mine. I could lay here all day and do notheing than just relax for old times sake. But no, I ain't a teenager anymore. I'm freaking twenty-three years old already and have an ass for a job since I need to pay my part of the rent. I wouldn't if only I agreed on Elizza only paying, but that's too embarrassing for me.

"Greaaaatttt. Now I'm gonna be stuck with boss on Saturday and the day still isn't over. Might as well do something." I stood from my bed, not bothering to even take a look at myself before walking down the kitchen to get some good ass ice cream.

I pulled the fridge open and took the tub of cookies-and-cream ice cream(since it was the only flavour in there) and a spoon. Hopefully Elizza wouldn't mind me eating all her dessert.

Oh boy I was so wrong. When she found out, she was furious. Dark aura surrounding her as she floated towards me with a dark expression on her face.

Wait, floated?!

I blinked my eyes to see her still floating to me. I'm scared right now.

Holy shit! How the hell did she just float?! Is she some kind of witch or something?

"Why'd you eat all my ice cream?!"

"Girl forgive me! I didn't mean to! I was hungry." Everything went back to normal and Elizza soon landed on the ground before untying something around her waist that I didn't seem to see, wait. I see it now. A long black belt.

So that's what made her look like she's floating.

"You could have at least left some for me." She pouted. I laughed nervously and apologized once more. "It's alright! I can just make something foe me." Her normal expression came back before she walked to the kitchen. I breathed out and went back to my room like nothing ever happened. "Umm....Y/n!?" Elizza suddenly yells from the kitchen.


"Could you please help me with something?!" I walked out of my room and went back to the kitchen where Elizza was currently holding the fridge open.

"What's it?"

"Well, I kind forgot about this yesterday, but, can you buy some groceries? Since looks like a certain someone has been raiding the fridge every night." I'm not sure if I was the one she's talking about.

"Sure thing, lemme change first."


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