Chapter 2 - King?

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"Apologies for her behavior your majesty. Please do take a seat King Roderich." Wait, what the--


"Y/n, you need to apologize to the king now." I glared at the man, I don't really care if he's a king, I don't care if he even cares.

"Sorry." My tone wasn't nice, instead, it was hard and forced, I still kept my glare on the man, not really caring about what my mother thinks. I still had to keep that princessy posture though. He glared back at me, obviously annoyed. Well I don't care because he can be as shitty as he wants and see if I care about that.

Anyways, father told us both to take a seat, her brother, Roderick(2p!Austria) was conversing with father instead of the king. What even kind of king this he?

But soon enough I learned that they were bothing kings because they're twins. Roderick was marrying my sister, (2p Name) too. Yay! double marriage! Note the sarcasm. She dosen't seem bothered by that while I completely was. There's no way I'll marry a man I just met! That's absurd!

"We shall be discussing about princess Y/n and King Roderich now. Y/n, do listen so there won't be any questions."


"What the hell are you doing in here?"

"Such vulgar words from a fine lady. I almost thought you're a daughter of a pirate instead of a king." Did this bastard go here just to annoy me? I've been trying to have a good day today and yet he came?

"What do you want, your majesty?"

"Your father sent me here, from know on he said that this will be my quarters." My eyes went wide at what he just said. Was my father really serious? No, he can't be. Surely this man is lying......right?

"I'm not lying."

"Huh? What do you mean?" Wow bastard can read my mind now?

"Not quite."

"What kind of evil magic do you know?! How can you read my mind?!" The man simply shrugged.

"I could hear your whispers from here, and I do not have any magic or whatsoever. I'm not that kind to learn such unseless things."

"It's not useless if you could use it to protect your country. A few friends of mine have magic and used them at theur kingdom, it's quite nice. They even thought me a simple spell to summon whatever I want, although I can only summon small items due to me being a bit weak." Wait, why am I saying this to him? He's a snob. A rich snobby king, wait, aren't all kings supposed to be rich? "Why am I even telling this to you? Ugh! Can you please get out now, your majesty."

"Certainly......." I smiled "not." This bastard, giving me false hope. "Some of my servants will be in here in a few hours to unpack my belongings. There aren't a lot, so don't worry about the space I will be taking. Only maybe a quarter of your closet will be changed."! He's no irritating. If only he wasn't the king of some sort then I would have probably rejected him by now. I just wanted this day to be normal. I wish some of my friends were here too.

"This is the worse than being grounded."

"This is better than being with that devil woman."


"Can you please stop, just stop." He did stop at what he was doing, staring rigt at me. I'm surprised he followed after what I said, well, not like he had a choice. This is my room after all, if he wanted to practice then he can to to the music room. I went back on reading my book when I thought Roderich wouldn't play, but I was so wrong. He started playing again, fastly this time, and it seems to be a different tone too. I couldn't really help but be amazed, but silently, I still don't like the man.

"What are you reading?" He suddenly spoke. Really now? I'm enjoying the piece, well, it's not like he stopped, he just asked a simple question.

"Why does it matter?"

"Well, since we are going to be married, I thought 'Why not try and get to know you?'"

"Hmmm, whatever. It's Cinderella, just a classic fairytale."

"I see." We sat there in silence afterwards, the music still not fading though as he continued to play whatever piece he was playing. "Do you play any instruments?"

"I do, but I'm not really good at it since I tend to slack off in most of my music classes."

"Could you tell me what instruments you play."

"Well, piano, I guess? Some friends of mine taught me to play the guitar, although mother dosen't really approve of it. I'm mainly stuck with the harp which a friend also taught me to use, and a flute." It dosen't really sound bad talking to this man. I kind of feel relaxed for some reason.

"You're very....interesting..."

"I'll take that as a compliment."

"It was intended to be."

"Dosen't sound like that to me."

"Maybe because you're too focused on the negative things in your life. You need to be more positive."

"I could say the same to you. Be like your brother, he's more....chill." Roderich scoffed and shook his head.

"I'd rather not."

"Hmmm, whatever you say. Just continue on your piece."

"I see you like it. I wrote it myself."


"Darling, anything is possible."

"Even swimming in lava?" We stood there in a few seconds of silence. I mentally facepalmed at my question. 'Swimming in lava?' Seriously? Why didn't I just say 'Even flying pigs', wait, I saw a flying pig once.


"Surely not, you said anything is possible."

"Please shut up for a moment."

"You're the one who started talking."

"Well then we should have stopped it you did not answer my questions."

"Excuse me but it's rude not to!"

"Fair enough."

"Please just shut up."

"That's what I just said."

"No, that's what I just said!"

"Fine, I'll shut up."



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