oh shit

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Connor's blood was a match... which means James lives. I wasn't as happy as i should have been that my ex boyfriend got to live, he was happy because he thought i would love him. I can't love someone who hurt me. But his eyes made that hard to get over.  Connor is slowly taking my heart. Lately I've been seeing him in a diffrent light.  james was talking to me and i would smile and nodd until he said " so are we a thing again?"   i tried not being sassy or rude but it backfired when I spit my coffe out laughing and said " oh hunny I dont go back for seconds more than once, espicially when they broke me. sorry babe find someone else to deal with you pms, because I'm done with your shit."  I said and walked out " well that went well" Misty said sarcastically. " Better than we expected" connor said looking at the rest of the boys.  "Harmony even laughed a little bit at the coffe spit take" Luke said flashing his smile.  i just rolled my eyes and fliped my hair " I'm  just to punk rock for you"  i laughed a little harder than I should have but when the doctor came out he said " James will be going home but i'd recomend keeping him away from the mean one" motioning towards me.  " i am not mean im sassy theres a HUGE diffrence. " i said taking Harmony from Misty who was going in to see James. " well sassy stay away from James" the doctor said harshly I handed Harmony to luke " Don't have to tell me twice. He ra-" connor threw a hand over my mouth " Don't mind her she's just being Willow" he said taking me outside. " I hate docotrs. " I said blandly.  " Yeah i know i saw you clench your fist. " Connor said handing me a ciggarette. I put it in my mouth pulling out a lighter I took a long drag on it before pulling it out and letting the smoke fill around Connors face. " I'm going home. "  I said " how are you going to get there?" he asked " I'll walk " i said throwing my hands up my beige sweater following my arms and the smoke from the ciggarette spiriling upward. I got to main street when some bitch grabbed my hair " your the bitch that took my James"   " you can have him i don't go for faggots more than once." i said taking my hair out of her hand. " how dare you call him a faggot"  she said hitting me in the stomace. " oooo bitch you don't know what you just started. "  i said wrapping her hair in both of my fists and throwing her head into my knee one time, two times, three, four. She reached up and grabbed my hair I sat on the ground taking her with me. we started rol;ling in the grass i snapped her arm back untill i heard a crunch and she was crying she kicked up at me and i stood up and befor she could stand up completely i kicked her. she fell over onto her broken arm and i continued kicking her i hit her in the face and cut my knuckle open when she moved and i hit the cement instead. she rolled on top of me and started hiing me with the one arm she had i blocked one of her hits but she still got me in the face i reached up and punched her in the throat which sent her toppling over gasping for air. i started hitting her in the lung area untill isaw her lurch ofrward indicating i knocked the air out of her. i got up and grabbed her hair jerking her to her feet " bitch i told you you didn't know what you started. But i shure as hell know what im going to finish" i said throwing her head into a poll. i saw her eyes flutter closed as she went unconscious. " well shit i got a grass stain on my arm. " i said walking off finger-brusing my hair.

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