Ch. 4 | Haunted

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"I'm haunted by the kiss you should have never given me.
My heart is beating, hoping the kiss will not become a scar."

Anakin Skywalker


You're pissed off before you even open your eyes. Each time the fist connects with the other side of the door your irritation escalates. You're lying on your back and staring at the ceiling, willing yourself not to lose your temper. Whenever you feel yourself on the verge of throwing a "Skywalker" style temper tantrum, as Obi would say, you repeat the words he used to tell you whenever you got irrationally mad over something.


"You're acting like a Skywalker. Anger leads to hate, and hate leads you to the dark side."

"What the hell does that even mean Obi?"

"It means letting anger and hate overwhelm you will lead you down a dark and miserable path. I refuse to let that happen, not again."



The knocking increases in intensity and for an instant you think about practicing your Force skills on whoever is on the other side of the door, if that's even possible. You throw off the blanket and get to your feet. As you reach for the panel to slide the door open you notice your hands, they're stained with blood.

It wasn't just a dream like you thought, not a normal dream anyways. Somehow you and Ben shared a dream, or vision, or something. Whatever that was, you were actually with him last night and you stitched him up after hitting him. Now the question is, where were you really and why was he there?

There is a pause in the knocking and you know whoever it is, is merely pulling their hand away so they can start a whole new round of knocks. You slide the door open and take a step towards whoever awaits you, ready to take a page out of Ben's book and start choking people. Thankfully it isn't Leia on the other side of the door, it's someone you already kind of want to choke, Dameron.

When you basically charge him the moment the door slides open, he instantly takes a step backwards until his back is against the wall opposite of your door. He throws his hands up as if surrendering the moment he sees the murderous look on your face.

"If you don't have a really good reason for banging on my door like the damn building is on fire I swear to whatever god you guys believe in that I will snap off that hand you enjoy knocking with so much and beat you to death with it," you say, scowling at the now terrified pilot.

"Shit...that's literally the most intense thing anyone has ever said to me...and I'm into it," he says with a smirk as he lowers his hands and presses off the wall.

Not expecting his response, you relax your stance and unclench your fists which are at your sides. After taking a deep breath, you place your hands on your hips and stare at him, waiting for him to plead his case before you make good on your promise.

"What the hell do you want Dameron? I don't make empty threats so spit it out."

His attention is drawn to your hands when you place them on your hips and his eyes widen.. Not realizing you appreciate personal space, he takes a step closer to you and grabs one of your hands off of your hip.

"What the hell happened to you Kenobi? Did you hurt yourself? Why didn't you go to the med bay? What-"

"Hold on. Pause. Time out," you say as you yank your hand out of his. You're getting really tired of guys grabbing your hand without asking or at least checking to see if you're into it.

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