Ch. 12 | Love Protocol

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Hold on to me
Tell me you've got me, sweetheart
The world is going dim in my gaze
Sweet vertigo
Feel my lungs heaving, choking
Clawing down my back, panic attack
I'm alone, watch me float as I fall

Coheed & Cambria - Love Protocol


Ben says nothing as he stares at your father and his grandfather in shock. Obi-Wan gives him a minute, knowing it's a lot to take in. The ability to use the Force without seeing it made the 'I have to see it to believe it' mentality unrealistic. Still, a part of Ben didn't fully believe Luke when he said he spoke to the Jedi's of the past. It's hard not to now that two are standing in front of him.

"This isn't exactly the reaction I was expecting. For someone who's been reaching out to me I thought you'd be more talkative," Anakin smirks.

The comment snaps Ben out of his shocked state, and instantly infuriates him.

"Good to know you were choosing to ignore me when I needed you," Ben scoffs and walks away from the invisible barrier, and the two Jedi. Towards the far end of the cave Ben sees a fire that he definitely didn't make himself. Sighing with frustration, he walks towards the fire and sits next to it with his back against the cave wall. He brings his knees close to his chest, rests his elbows on them, leans his head back against the wall, and closes his eyes.

Anakin and Obi-Wan hesitantly approach him and sit on the other side of the fire across from him. Anakin opens his mouth to speak but Obi-Wan waves his hand to stop him.

"It wasn't Anakin's fault. I told him it was a bad idea to respond to you."

"So I have you to thank? Thank you for abandoning me when I needed someone the most," Ben says without opening his eyes to look at either one of them.

Anakin frowns at Obi-Wan as if saying 'see I told you I shouldn't have ignored him.'

"Don't be too angry with him. His intentions were good, even though I didn't agree. You know what happened the last time I went against Obi-Wan's advice. Circumstances aren't exactly the same but you're my grandson and I've done enough damage to our family. I take advice when it's offered now. Besides, I'm not as wise as you think I am."

Ben opens his eyes and lifts his head away from the wall. his eyes meet Anakin's for a moment before landing on Obi-Wan.

"What was your reasoning? Why did you suggest he ignore me for all these years? I...I needed guidance. I needed to know I wasn't alone, that I wasn't making the wrong choices. I ended up making them anyways," he sighs and looks down.

"That's the reason I wouldn't let Anakin go to you. He's always been around, just not visible. You needed to make your own choices, free of our influence, just like he did. I-"

Ben interrupts Obi-Wan angrily. "But I chose wrong! I chose the dark side! I shouldn't have left my family! I should father...I-" Ben's voice trails off when his throat feels tight and his eyes start to burn.

"You were deceived just like I was. You lost someone you loved very much because of it, just like I did. I had people that loved me and cared about me. They told me I was on the wrong path yet I still chose the dark side. We both made choices but in the end I righted my wrongs, and so will you. I did it a bit too late, but you still have time Ben," Anakin quietly says to Ben.

Ben's eyes land on Obi-Wan. "By helping your daughter? I mean-" he pauses, unsure if Obi-Wan acknowledges you as his daughter the way you acknowledge him as your father.

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