Ch. 13 | The Butterfly Effect

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Close your eyes and think about the boy
Tell me how he makes you feel
Let your mind trace over his tired soldiers
Allow your thoughts to linger on that beautiful smile
Take a deep breath and try to put those dark thoughts aside
For once let go of the reins you've wrapped so tightly around your heart
I know you are scared
Who could blame you?
Love is a hurricane wrapped inside a chrysalis
And you are a girl walking into the storm

Lang Leav - The Butterfly Effect


Ben rolls off of you, both of you hiss with displeasure when he slips out of you. He pulls you close against his chest, and tucks your head underneath his chin. When you relax in his arms, he sighs and buries his face into your hair.

Now that the two of you are relaxed you notice it's the middle of the night which is perfect because you're exhausted. He yawns against your hair and you yawn in response.

"Go to sleep," you mumble against his chest.

"Okay," he says against your forehead before kissing it and resting his head back on the pillow.


When you open your eyes it's to Ben's mouth, directly at eye level. Each time he exhales through his nose, the puffs of air move the stray strands of hair near your forehead. The death grip he has on you makes it nearly impossible to lean back far enough to take in his face.

His cheeks are still dirty and tear stained and you know yours are too. His frown lines are gone and his face is relaxed. Contentment radiates off of him and for once he seems comfortable, and safe. Safe might not be the right word but it's the first thing that comes to mind. He's not on guard and ready to defend himself from an unknown threat at the drop of a hat.

In a way you feel like he knows he's safe with you. If someone were to attack both of you right now, he knows you'd defend him, you'd keep him from harm, and the thought warms your heart.

Even though you'd love nothing more than to stay in bed with him all day, you desperately need a shower. Aside from feeling dirty from all the cave wandering you did on Mortis, you're sticky from the events that took place last night. The sun is also starting to rise and you know Luke and Leia are likely waiting for you both.

After what feels like hours of slight wiggling, you finally manage to remove yourself from Ben's vice like hold on you. Slowly, you scoot off the bed and tiptoe to the bathroom, quietly closing the door behind you.

The steam that envelops the bathroom after turning on the water is extremely relaxing. Knowing you'll regret it, you look into the mirror before opening the shower door. As expected, you're a mess. Your cheeks are dirty and tear stained like Ben's. Being pounded into the mattress has your hair sticking up in every direction.

Now more eager than ever, you step into the shower and quietly close the door behind you. The moment the hot water cascades over you, your muscles relax and you sigh with content. After standing under the water for several minutes, you reach for the soap but pause when you hear someone walk into the bathroom. The door opens and a very groggy, very naked, Ben Solo steps into the shower with you.

"Excuse me sir, can't you see this shower is occupied?"

You wipe water from your eyes and watch as he rubs the sleep out of his. They're slightly puffy from crying while on Mortis. His hair is sticking straight up in certain places, more so than yours was. He's simultaneously the most adorable and sexiest person you've ever seen.

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