𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐞𝐧. 𝗰𝗮𝗳𝗲𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗮

616 20 10

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Hello!! We finally have an update!! Anyways who knows when I am gonna put a quote and giff back up here. I'm too lazy

Marty went over to talk to George. He was currently writing up a story. Which were science fiction stories about visitors coming down to Earth from other planets. This put Marty on the spot surprised not knowing his father would do anything so creative. Meanwhile, Cheryl was currently looking around for Lorraine.

"You gotta somehow make Lorraine look at Gorge." The redhead girl remembered the conversation she had with Doc not too long ago.

As she was slowly approaching Lorraine, she waved slightly. Her mouth began to open as she was just about to speak. Only to get caught off by someone no other than that messy brown-haired boy from Lou's Cafe.

"Hey, over here!" He called her over.

She swiveled to meet him and grinned softly. Cheryl knew she had to somehow get Lorraine to like George, only there was a huge problem in the way. More so a big distraction. Cheryl looked back at Lorraine then over to Timothy as he was just waiting for her to walk on over along with his group of friends staring right back.

And... you got distracted. Idiot. You had one job! One!

She cursed at herself and finally approached his group. One of his friends had dirty blonde hair along with a red and white polka-dot hairband. She had her chin placed on her palm. She also seemed to have three ear piercings. A man sitting across from Timothy wore a white shirt along with a black leather jacket.

"Hey, " Cheryl placed down her tray with food.

Timothy scooted over encouraging her to sit next to him. "Cheryl, these are my friends, Kevin, Diane, and Dennis."

Dennis was currently finishing up his homework he had for the next class. He was that friend that looked like a nerd but was yet another lazy boring kid. So he just waved slightly and bit an apple.

"Sup, " Kevin (the one with the leather jacket) greeted laid back.

The blonde flashed her a long enough glare, "Where are you from?" Diane asked.

Timothy groaned, "Dia, don't be rude." That was a nickname they all called her.

"I'm not being rude. I am just wondering, your new aren't you?" Diane continued. She seemed to have picked up an old vibe from the red-haired girl. The dirty blond seemed to grow suspicious over her.

Cheryl sat down and adjusted herself first. "Uh, yeah, I am from Pasadena actually." She chuckled answering her question and picked up her fork. Cheryl however, wasn't found over this girl either. Naturally, this wasn't where she was from but it's a good excuse.

"Why did you suddenly want to move to this part of California?" This blond didn't seem to stop asking questions. It almost freaked Cheryl out to the point where it was obvious for Timothy.

"Oh, I am only here temporary with my grandfather. My parents went out on a business trip." Cheryl made up a convincing story. Playing by using Doc as her grandpa in reality he's not.

𝐓𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐧𝐝 𝐎𝐟 𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞.   -  Marty McFly x OCWhere stories live. Discover now