Chapter 6: Wonyoung's Hidden Feelings

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━━━━ 2nd of July 2020

2:30 A.M.

"We talked about dogs. That's it." Chaeyeon said before twisting her heel, "I guess, I'm good to go?" She asked as if you don't have any choice but to agree.

"Thought so too. Might as well interrogate Yuri already." She said as she steps closer to the door, "I think she knows quite a lot about these," Chaeyeon smirked before going inside.

• notif! •
new messages from: o&b=ct

━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━• notif! •new messages from: o&b=ct

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[ignore time stamps.
o&b=ct is the murderer.
she'll leave messages
every now and then.]

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