Chapter 10: Kiss And Kill

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━━━ 2nd of July 2020 ━━━

2:59 A.M.


now, are you ready to find out-what
is the consequence of your choice is?

[ the murderer will be addressed by her codename which is o&b=ct. ]

O&b=ct smirked when you chose yes. She trails her fingers up and down on the edge of the sofa as she looks at you interrogating Eunbi from afar.

'Kiss and Kill, huh?'

O&b=ct then stood up, the living room is near empty. As the others either went to their rooms or eat. The only ones left in the living room is obviously o&b=ct, and Nako.

"Nabuki," O&b=ct called as the girl looked at her with questioning eyes. "May you tag along with me? I need something from the garage. And I'm scared." O&b=ct said, a foolish smile on her lips.

Nako is kind of skeptical but just nodded, knowing that the garage is indeed scary every night. So she put down the glass of juice she was drinking down at the little table beside the tall plant. She stood up and patted her clothes before linking her arms to o&b=ct.

They then walked through the hallway; where doors after doors are lined up. They are 12 people anyways; or they were.

"So, I guess I'll wait for you here?" Nako asked with an obvious tone.

"Uhm, actually, the switch of the garage is at the far end. It's weird that it was placed there, right?'s near 3 a.m." o&b=ct said, doing her best to sound pitiful.

"Okay, okay. Coward." Nako chuckles as she twist the door knob open, the garage looking as dull as ever.

Nako then moved a little so that o&b=ct can enter, while doing so, her back bumped into something, a light switch.

"Eh? I though the switch was-"

"I'm sorry Nabuki, but I'm getting bored." O&b=ct said before locking the door close. She even put the other lock that is on top of the door, close too.

"W-what do you m-mean?" Nako said as she stumble backwards. Shit, she forgot that one of them is the murderer. But it never came to her mind that the girl she is infront right now is the one who did it.

O&b=ct then laughed loudly, as if she had heard the funniest joke in her life. Seeing this made Nako confused, but she needs to play along so she laughed too.

"I was just teasing you, no need to be all tense there, Yabuki.." O&b=ct said as she helped Nako stand up. But as soon as she did so, she slammed Nako on top of the car.

Nako's head bumped hardly at the car door. Making her a little dizzy, but she didn't let it interfere with her mission. The mission to get the fuck out of this garage, or scream for help.

But o&b=ct is faster. She get the long linen cloth at the pile of towels before wrapping it around Nako's mouth, shutting her up.

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