Chapter 17: Sakura's Problem

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2nd of July, 2020

5:02 A.M.

Sakura slowly snakes her fingers to her glass; she stirred it lazily, and somehow sultry. Her face reflected emptiness, not even an ounce of care was showed.

"Mhm," she hums before slamming the glass to the wooden table, the deep magenta liquid almost dripping as the wine keeps on shaking from side to side due to the force.

"I suppose you chose me last?" She asked as the wine came into a full halt, seeing it makes Sakura smirk. "Oh, yeah, my other partner," she pauses, "Yena, you really left the 'tom and jerry' of the group last huh?" She asked rhetorically, grasping the glass of wine once more.

"I love the color," Sakura said as she points at the wine, "don't you? It reminds me of blood," she said as she smiles, "and who doesn't love blood?" She said as she drank the whole glass of wine in one shot, the bitter taste making her face scrunch.

"I can't even believe Yujin and Nako are gone, hell that was a plot twist," she laughed as she puts her palm under her chin, "let me tell you a secret," she whispered, even though no one could hear the both of you.

"Come close," she curls her index finger, signalling you to come closer, "don't tell anyone this," she giggled softly.

"Minju is the one who did it," Sakura ended her secret with a light click of a tongue. "You must have have a question in your head, right?" She said before pointing at herself, "don't worry, me too."

"Well, bold of me to say that but I just know it," she said as she check her nails, "if she went to the convience store, why didn't I see her go out?" She asked like someone can answer her, "I was at the front porch, where the front door is," she mumbled as she picks up the empty glass, the moonlight sparkled as she did so.

"I mean, she could have gone to the back door, but hell," she groaned, "I still should have seen her, the road is just right infront of me," she said as she points at the two lane road, where streetlights doesn't even work.

"She never left the house, she never ever." She said as her hands visibly sweats as the glass slides down, "the problem is," she said as her breath hitched.

"Did Chaewon really went there too?"

error •
no new messages.

"it was when my feelings got to me so fucking bad, and there- my body moved before I could think again."

3-4 chaps left?¿

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