Chapter 21: Erratic Heart Thumps

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Ragged breaths, erratic heart thumps, those beats came into Minju like a nightmare rhythm. But much to her dismay, this one she couldn't wake up from.

Her eyes looked down from the half of the stairs, Yena, Yuri and Nako are back together eating popcorns. Only the three girls are at the living room downstairs. In an area where Minju could be seen with a mere glance.

Minju then heaved a sigh as she silently tip toed down. Her eyes looked at the three girls, who are immersed in watching the drama. No lights are open, which made Minju's escape easier.

Looking like a tomato that is about to burst, Minju finally took a long inhale as she made it to the hallway without the three noticing. A few more meters and her hand could twist her bedroom's door open when suddenly the a screeching sound from Wonyoung's bedroom echoes in their narrow hallway, making Minju almost fall on her knees.

After a good minute of not moving, Minju took a swift turn and into her bedroom. And Minju could finally breathe a little, but the weight on her chest isn't gone yet. Not until she could see Yujin infront of her.

She then took off her coat as it makes her movements a little heavy. With a quick lock on her door, she ran to the side to open the window. The chilly air greeting her, making her skin crawl in discomfort. 

Minju looked down to where she'll land. A few wood planks and bushes. Definitely wouldn't hurt a bit, atleast.

She then jumped out, her clumsy self almost making her face fall flat on the muddy ground. But her getting hurt doesn't matter to her right now, she needs to go where Chaewon and Yujin is; using the back door that leads to the basement.

Running thoughts came into her mind like a marathon. Why are they in that closed area? Why is Yujin groaning? Why is Chaewon's voice so..different? What the hell is going on?

As soon as her eyes came in contact with the narra door, she pushed herself to run faster. She felt as if time is flying past her, and she has to keep up, she has to.

A sigh of relief escaped from her lips when the cold metal door knob came in contact with her palm. Not wasting a second, she twisted it open only to grunt when she felt the other person at the other side doing the same.

She then let it be as her face redden when Chaewon's face was just an inch or so from her.

"Minju," Chaewon hushed out, blocking the girl's view. "Let's go," she said, grabbing the girl's wrist but Minju shakes her head no.

"Let me go inside first," Minju said as she felt colder than before. "Where's Yujin?"

Chaewon purses her lips as she pretends to think. "She's just near," she paused as she looks down at the grass. "She'll be right there, sooner or later." She finished as she lets the damp grass stick to her ankles.

"What the fuck do you mean," Minju said, not as a question as she's afraid of the answer that she knows her heart couldn't accept.

"Do you really wanna know?"


"Come and see for yourself then," Chaewon said as she moves to the side, letting Minju have a clear view of a scene that will surely left a mark on the girl's head.

"What the actual fuck, Kim Chaewon." Minju said as she pushed the girl to the side to rusg inside. The subtle smell of blood invades her nose, and she knows it'll be worse later.

"Call the ambulance." Minju orders as tears trickle down, "Now." She demanded as she touch Yujin's wrist, hoping the feel the familiar thump.

"It's too late, Minju," Chaewon said as she sighs, "You're too late," Chaewon manipulates, as if she could brush the crime that she did to Minju.

"No, fuck you," Minju curses as she lets Yujin's head down softly. "I'm so sorry," Minju whispers at Yujin's ear.

"How sweet. Still sickening sweet even if the other one is no longer breathing. And, still rubbing off to my face, your girlfriend." Chaewon said gently, her words as sharp as a knife but her tone deceives it.

"Just why?" Minju asked as she her hair sticks to her face, "what did she do to you?"

"So much that one couldn't handle it." Chaewon said, unperturbed. "All things must come to an end, darling."

"Don't call me that," Minju glares as she grabs a blanket from the dusty shelf.

Chaewon scoffed when Minju placed it on top of Yujin. "All things will end at some point!" She yells, but quiet enough for the others not to hear. "Your life, my life! Her life! The world, everything." Chaewon said, feeling her heart crush as she sees Minju caressing Yujin's crown.

"Do you even know how much I'm hurt?" Chaewon said, hiding the desperate tone inside, but the tears that brim her eyes fails it. "Do you? All I ever did is to love you, Minju!" Chaewon shouts as Minju just looks down, not knowing what to feel.

"But you just," Chaewon pauses as she tries her best to swallow in a sob, "you just didn't appreciate that," she continues as she felt her lungs become tight. Minju couldn't even look at her which pains the girl more.

"Instead you ignore me, you push me off, you act like I'm just your friend." Chaewon said as she points at Yujin. "And you act so sickening sweet towards her, not alone infront of me. Do you know how much that fucking hurt?" Chaewon said, a single tear streamed down,but is still unwavering.

"Is merely accepting my affection, or just me exhaust you? Do you even love me?" Chaewon asked as Minju looks at her for a brief moment before staring to space, far from where Chaewon is.

"Well," Chaewon said, a slight anger burned inside her seeing her girlfriend ignore her once again. So she stood up, wiped her tears as she cleared her voice. She pushed all the sorrow that she has deep down to her stomach.

"I guess what I thought of you finally choosing me after ending her is wrong."

we are just a push away from the final chap.
didn't proofread.
thank you! <3

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