Chapter 16: Hyewon's Lies and Truths

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━━━ 2nd of July 2020 ━━━

4:29 A.M.

Upon hearing a knock from her door, Hyewon groggily stood up from her bed and clicked her door open. She squinted her eyes to Chaewon before nodding, with heavy, irritating footsteps, she walks towards you with a frown on her face.

"What do you want?" Hyewon immediately asked, annoyed. "I don't like getting disturbed," she huffed before sitting down at the rattan chair at the porch.

"Just ask me all you want, let's finish up quickly." She said as she puts her arms up, making it as a support for her head.

"Mhm? Prove myself innocent? Oh honey," she smirks as she looks up, "I don't have to prove myself- as I already am innocent, there is nothing to tell," She smiles as she crosses her legs up, making herself comfortable.

"You seemed muzzy," she chuckle as she checks her nails, "still don't have a suspect in mind?" She asked as she shakes her head, "take it easy," she laughs, voice in way no one could tell if sarcastic or not.

"So," she started, "mhm, hmm, 10p.m., 10p.m.," she sings, "I don't quite remember, as I am still groggy," she said as she purse her lips.

"But don't worry, I'll do my best to remember," she assures as she massage her forehead. "Ah!"

She suddenly shouted making the birds at the tree fly away, "I was at Hitomi's room!" She said as she studies the material of her shirt.

"Hitomi's room is near the basement," she said as she puts her palm on the side of her face, "I went there because she asked for some anime recommendations, and I'm pretty sure you already know what I recommended," she laughs, doing her iconic move.

"Before that time, I did my daily work outs, so I'm sweating, like a lot," she continued as she cups her mouth, like she's trying to contain a loud laugh, "As soon as Hitomi saw me, her, her face," Hyewon laughs, "that girl be disgusted by me."

"Anyways, after telling her that- I obviously went to go take a shower, but then I crossed paths with Chaewon," she said as she scratch her arm, "then I went to the bathroom, took a quick bath and locked myself to Eunbi's room." She said as she widened her eyes.

"Don't get me wrong- I just cuddled with her cause I'm sleepy." She defended.

"That is all I know," she said suddenly in a serious tone. "But if there is one to do the murder it only could be," she mumble as she bites her lips.

"Kim Chaewon."

• no new messages. •
the murderers are quiet lately.

please leave a question.👉👈

• miyawaki sakura •
(lies aren't my thing.)

• choi yena •
(i could never do that.)


only two left.👀 and am feeling happy coz i finally went out since the 10th of March.😭

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