Chapter 13: Trust Yuri?

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━━━━ 2nd of July ━━━━

3:42 A.M.

"I'll call Yuri for you," Minju said as she walked inside, and as soon as she did, Chaewon immediately hugged the girl.

"How was it?" Chaewon asked as Minju unknowingly squirmed in the older girl's embrace.

"It was fine. I need to call Yuri." Minju said as she tugs Chaewon's arms for the girl to let go.

Chaewon was obviously confused on why Minju suddenly act like that, but she decided to let it pass. She then walked, slowly to her room.

After a couple of minutes, Yuri came out; still languid. Some strands of her hair are sticking out and the left side of her face is red and bloated.

As soon as she locks eyes with you, she smiled foolishly. "I'm sorry, I fell asleep." Yuri said as she wraps the hamster blanket around her. "Took you long enough to pick me."

Yuri didn't say anything in the next few minutes, as she is looking up at the sky. "Looks like the sky is sad like us too." Yuri sighed with a sad smile on her face. "To be honest," she pauses as she draws random shapes on the air.

"I never thought that all of this will happen. Heck," Yuri mumbles as she rubs her eyes. "We are like family. I never knew that one of us will do that."

"So, I'll just let my mind rewind some stuffs," she chuckle as she puts her two index fingers at the both side of her face.

"Mhm, 10p.m. I was watching tv with Yena and Nako," Yuri said as she chew on her fingernail. "We were watching a drama. Yena was even acting some scenes out." She giggled remembering her girlfriend.

"I was with them all the time. I never left." Yuri said as she put her chin on top of her palm. "Then I saw Eunbi go to her room. For Wonyoung, I never saw her since she went to the bathroom." Yuri said as she hums a song, like it was helping her remember things.

"The 2kim, I heard they went to the convience store. And for the others, I don't know." Yuri said before yawning.

"Yena, Nako and I watched the drama, one episode after the other. Until we heard a piercing scream." She said as she puts her palm to her forehead.

"Then my," Yuri sighs. "My other daeng partner, is...gone." she said as she kicks the dirt on the floor.

She looks at you with judging eyes before sighing. "I guess some of the girls told you I got into a fight with Yujin recently?" She asked rhetorically.

"No need to name names, as it was true." She chuckled before looking up at the sky, lightning after lightning could be seen.

"It wasn't a huge fight. More of a tease type of fight," Yuri said as she curls her hair with her finger. "She teased me, then I teased her back. It was a never ending type of fight, until, well, I snapped." The sound of her quickened breathing is the only thing you could hear along with the lightning. "Her tease was getting too far,"

Yuri then wiped her clammy hands on her blanket. "But I never graved it to my heart, meaning, I was never really that angry. We made up by the end of the day too."

"What? Eunbi said that I went to Kkura and Chaeyeon? Heck I didn't." Yuri said with eyebrows up. "I never want to be a third wheel, besides, I have my own girlfriend beside me. So why do I need to go there?" She said as she glared subtly.

"Believe Chaeyeon's story. Not Eunbi's as I know, myself, I never stepped a foot to the front porch earlier." Yuri said as she shivered.

"You can never trust anyone now."

imma do a promo of my book uwu👉👈

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please do check it out, it's a yulyen au.♡
and I'll drop something big in this
au in a few.👀
and it's myyouthwonwooday uwu

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