Chapter 18: Yena Stills

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2nd of July

5:49 A.M.

Yena rests her head on the edge of the door, not wanting to go out completely. Her blonde locks are brushed up in a messy bun, eyes red and sore because of her lack of sleep.

"Gosh, I still have exams later," she mumbles as she hugs the door frame, "I haven't even studied a single word that is related to chemistry," she said as she scratched her cheeks, a habit that everyone finds amusing.

"Sorry," she said as she puts her hands down at her side, "I supposed that Yuri or atleast Eunbi told you already.." she trails off as her hair looks like it'll fall down in any minute, "that I was just watching television with Nako and my girlfriend, Yuri."

Her finger slide to a strand of her hair, twirling it, "we just watched, and watched. No one was at the living room at that time, only the three of us." She said as she finally takes off the tie on her hair, "but I noticed something very weird,"

She smoothed her hair down with her hand before continuing, "Minju...." she said as she bites her lips. "She said she freaking went out but she went the other way," the words just slipped through her blood-red lips, "she went to the basement way, far off to where the door is."

"And that's all I know," she said before calming down.

the murderers' identities
will be revealed soon.

everybody has spoken. their side of the story has been revealed. it maybe lies, or truths. it's all for you to know and to find out.

hi! do i still have any readers here? i'm sorry for the long wait, and my inactivity. things are just acting up around here. i hope y'all enjoyed this!
i'll update again later to make it up to y'all :))))

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