Chapter 20: Too Late

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Minju's leg bounced up in down as she bite her finger nails uncomfortably. The only light that came from her phone stains her face with its blinding yellow light, and her eyes could only stare at her and Chaewon's messages.

It was weird, atleast it felt like it. Should she go after Chaewon to the convience store? But if feels as if her girlfriend is not there, and is somewhere else that her heart beats nervous for.

With a final leg bounce, she hopped off her bed as she blindly grabbed her coat. She ran down to go outside only to be welcomed by Wonyoung whispering something to Eunbi. Yena, Yuri and Nako are peacefully cuddled up as the sounds of the drama they are watching filled the room. The others are no where to be found, probably in their rooms, resting.

After making sure that Wonyoung is fast locked up in her room, Minju ran towards Eunbi to tell the elder about Chaewon, who 'sneaked out'. And after a hearing a 'yes' Minju didn't waste any time and ran towards their front door.

Pulling the blinds down a little, she saw Sakura and Chaeyeon talking under the moon with their heads leaned towards each other. Minju bites her lips as she checks the time. It's near 11, and she just got the feeling that she should hurry.

Looking at the couple, she knows that she couldn't exit there. As they'll know where she is going. So with light footsteps, she tiptoed back towards the kitchen, Eunbi isn't there anymore, so she could atleast move a little freely without getting caught.

And at that moment, the door at their basement that leads out of their house popped to her head. So she ran there, passing through the hallway of doors. Not until her legs suddenly stopped when she reached Yujin's door.

Muttering a lot of curses, she decided to knock on the younger girl's door. She waited for a few seconds but no one answered. With pure curiosity, she twisted the door knob only to know that it was locked.

Minju's eyebrows met as she glances at the clock once again, it's too early for Yujin to sleep. But Minju just guessed that the puppy was tired, so she let her be.

With a heavy sigh, Minju continued her way to the basement. Hitomi's usual unlocked open door was know sealed shut. Seeing this only made Minju feel weirder as she found herself knocking on Hitomi's door.

"What is it," Hitomi's hushed voice could be barely heard. The tone was also not a question-like. She seems to be ending the conversation before it could even start.

"Oh, is everything okay?" Minju had the urge to ask it, as she patiently wait for Hitomi's response.

"You would hope so that it's okay," Hitomi said in a very low tone, "I want to be alone," and with that a loud windy sound could be heard, like she was tucking herself to sleep.

Minju was left with more questions than an answer. Her eyes then flicks to the basement door. The light was on, like usual.

The sigh that left Minju's lips is rather mournful than a relief. Her close to red hand find its way to the door of the basement when it was locked.

"Why is everything locked?" Minju mumbled to herself before putting her palms to her face. That is until she decided to take the heavy risk of the loud machine operated gate of their garage door.

With a final glance at their basement door, she then turned away to go to the garage. And as she is walking, Hyewon went pass her. All sweaty.

"Hyewon?" Minju called as Hyewon stopped, not even bothering to look at Minju she said a little 'hi' before continuing to her room.

Minju rubbed her arms, the air tonight is heavy, and strange. It's like no one dared to start a conversation which never happens. She then looks at Yena and Nako. The two huddled up under a big, fuzzy blanket.

"Yena? Where's Yuri?" Minju asked as Yena looks at Minju briefly before looking back at the screen.


Short, but it was enough to add a question in Minju's mind. But looking at Yena, she seems to be focused at the drama, so Minju let her be.

Minju then flashed the lights in her watch to clearly see the time. It has been more than an hour since Chaewon went out. And that was too long.

Looking at Yena and Nako one last time, she run to their balcony. Her already shaking hands forcefully opened her phone to dial Chaewon's number.

After countless of rings, atleast for Minju, Chaewon finally answered the call.

"Where the he-"

"I'm almost there," Chaewon cuts the girl off.

Minju then looked at the screen to be sure that it's Chaewon before putting it back near her ear. Chaewon never answered a call before without a greeting, and her tone pains Minju's ear, right now.

"I swear to God," Minju said as she wraps her coat tighter to her body. "Where the hell are you?" She asked again, but something or someone grunting at Chaewon's call perked Minju's ears.

"What was that?" Minju asked as unknowingly tears brimmed her eyes. "Kim Chaewon, answer me." She demanded as her grip on her phone tightens.

"Do you really wanna know?" Chaewon asked making Minju's knee weak.

"It's your precious friend," Chaewon trails off as Minju feels her chest tighten.

"Ahn Yujin,"

i didn't proofread. last 2 chapters!
thank you.<3

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