Chapter 22: Maniacs

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She couldn't look at her.

Chaewon's words threw her off the edge, she knows, even if it's at the back of her head, that her words were right. And she hates how Chaewon knows, every bit of it.

But Chaewon's missing out the most revelant thing.

Minju loves the girl more than anything in the world, clichè to say, but she wouldn't trade the girl for anything. Chaewon is her first, and last. And by her 'last' she means it.

"Chaewon," Minju breathes out as she finally prided her eyes from the wall. She felt her heart tear when she saw how the girl was exhausted, not just physically, but emotionally, too.

"I hate you," Minju said in a low tone, making the short hair girl look at her, shocked and hurt.

Chaewon scoffed as she puts her arm on her to her waist. "Back to you, and thousand times more."

"You wouldn't ask why?" Minju asked as she stands up. Eyes never leaving Chaewon's.

"No," said Chaewon, she knows Minju will say it anyway.

Minju lets out a faint laugh as she steps closer to Chaewon. "It's because I love you so much I couldn't dare myself to dig in a grave of anger towards you."

Chaewon looks at Minju as if the girl was crazy. She couldn't help but to feel the cracks on her heart to slowly tug together in place.

"You're crazy," Chaewon muttered under her breath, Minju just shrugged her shoulders as she sighed.

"Maniacs, with you, we," Minju said as she ran her hands through her hair. She let out a suspire as she looks around. The smell of blood starting to reek, plus the time is near 12. They should get out of there before anyone could notice.

"What do we do with this?" Minju asked, her index finger pointing at the every corner of the room.

"Leave it to me, you should go out. I don't want to drag you in this mess," Chaewon said as she bites her lips, "I'm such a fool, I shouldn't have done that,"

"Good thing you know," Minju said as she rolls her eyes at the girl. "But too late to regret as the damage has been done. You couldn't flick the arms of the clock backwards, tiger," She said as she rubbed her hands together.

"I'm sorry, okay? Even though that sorry isn't enough to heal this up." Chaewon said as she closes her eyes, thinking of an escape route.

"Let's just go to the convience store, that is what I told Eunbi." Minju said as she grabs her phone. It flashes its yellow light, the time indicating that it's near 12.

The two then clasped  their hands together before slowly stepping a foot after another as quiet as they could.

A scream then erupted from the inside of the house, making the two freeze in an instant. Muffled chatter then followed, doors unlocking clicked right through. As hurried footsteps echoed from upstairs.

"In a count of three, we are going to fucking run," Minju whispered as her hand redden from its grip to Chaewon's.

"One," Minju whisper-shout. Her eyes never leaving the basement door. The girl was about to say 'two' when they heard Eunbi's voice from the other side. (shameless plug again of my yulyen au coz they aren't breathing🤪)

"Run!" Minju almost shouted as she run for her life, not forgetting to close the door behind them. The only source of light is from the moon, which barely keep the two have a clear vision.

"Faster, Ssamu! To the convenience store, idiot," Minju shouted, not even aware of the words slipping from her lips.

"Fuck Minju, wait a minute! I can't fucking see!" Chaewon curses as she felt a twig snap under her foot.

Chaewon moved her legs as fast as she could. The girl isn't even aware of what direction she should go, she just follows Minju. Chaewon almost forgetting they are in the midst of heaven and hell.

When the neon lights finally stained their skin with its blinding hues, the two released the breath they are holding in since earlier. 

Their eyes then searched for each other, pink tinted cheeks as beads of sweat run down from their foreheads.

They laughed, the moon shining its beam on them. And at that moment, they felt psychopathic, but who is there to blame? Misunderstood things could lead to as big and crazy as this, but right now, all that is running in their minds is each other.

"You're a psycho," Minju said as she pushed Chaewon's shoulders lightly.

"A fool," Chaewon sighed as she smiles, "for you,"

"What do we do now?" Minju asked as she looks at the dangling light of the store.

"I don't know, there is nothing left to lose. Just you," Chaewon answers as her eyes mirrored the shape of the crescent moon. Afterall, they are each other's ride or die.

"Fuck you," Minju mumbled as her knees gave up, making her fall to the floor.

"I love you, too." Chaewon smiles as she caress Minju's crown.

"I'm going to hell for this," Minju cries as she grabs her hair. Seeing this makes Chaewon hum.

"See you there, then."

facts to clear some things up.

The clue October 29, 2018 is the release date of Izone's 1st album, Color*iz. That album has 7 tracks, which leads to the clue 1 of 7, and the first track of Color*iz is "Color".

With that, many of you made some mind blowing theories, but really tho, I kept it simple. With those clues up above, I was pointing to the word color. Nothing more, nothing less.

And so, most of you thought that it has a relation to Izone members' respective colors. Some even mentioned my other fic 'psycho in love' lol, so I made a chap full of clues.

So, I decided to give y'all a clue 'vul jsbl, mvy fvb. pgvul vmmpjphs jvsvyz hyl uva pujsbklk'. Some y'all called it key board smashing😭 i cannot lol. but it's actually Caesar Cipher language. It translates to "one clue for you, Izone official colors not included".

And so, o&b=ct is orange and black are the colors of the tiger. Chaewon's nickname is tiger. So ct is Chaewon tiger. Whereas g&w=fm is green and white, the colors of the frog. So, fm is frog minju. Someone actually guessed it right, so kudos to you.

That's it. Thank you so so much for reading and participating to my au. I didn't expect so many will actually make these theories and I'm beyond grateful for that. I thought I'll take a hiatus after this but things change and I'm happy writing my yulyen au🥺.

Ride or Die ends here!!
Thank you & Love Lots <33

• httpcherryulcola ♡


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