Chapter 11: The Tables Have Turned

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━━━━ 2nd of July 2020 ━━━━

3:07 A.M.

"Believe me."

As soon as those words slipped from Eunbi's lips. A loud crash echoed throughout the whole house, or more like a shatter.

"What was that?" Eunbi gasped, her eyes turned worried in an instant. She pushed past you to rush back inside the house.

All of the girls went out of their rooms too, there they saw the glass broken and the white fur carpet stained with juice.

"Eh? Who left that?" Eunbi asked as she puts her palm on her forehead stressfully. "That will be hard to clean." She added, pointing at the orange stained carpet.

"Not me," almost all of younger girls said at the same time. Making Eunbi sigh in frustration, but something is bothering her, she doesn't know what and why is she feeling like that.

Her eyes then scanned everyone. 9.

"Where the hell is Nabuki?" Eunbi asked as they all shrugged. Eunbi's eyes then flickered to the petite girl's room. She then ran there and slammed the door open.

"She's not here." Eunbi said as she grabs her hair stressfully. Hyewon then ran her hands back and forth at the girl's back, to calm her.

"Calm down, Eunbi. She might be at the bathroom. Wonyoung, please check." Hyewon said as Wonyoung pursed her lips before nodding.

"I don't know, Hyewon. I feel something. It makes me uneasy as hell. And I'm just," Eunbi groans before running to the kitchen to check, "worried." She sighs.

"How about check the balcony?" Yena asked as Yuri said she'll check it for them.

After a couple of minutes, Yuri went back with no Nako beside her.

"She's not there," Yuri said as she rubs her arm, it's getting cold.

"There is one place left then," Chaeyeon said as she points at the left side of their house. "The garage."

All of the girls exchanged looks as they run to their garage. The door is oddly locked from the outside.

"The hell?" Sakura muttered before tugging the door, but it won't open. "Need a hand here, please." Sakura rolls her eyes as Eunbi stepped in, she kicked the door open but still, it won't budge.

"Gosh," Hyewon said before running to her room. After a few seconds, she came back with a huge hammer on her hand. "Good thing I have a class that involves stuffs like this."

"What class involves that?" Chaewon mumbled as Hyewon chuckled.

"Carpentry. Move back." Hyewon said as she slams the hammer to the door knob. After a few tries, it opened, but what they saw....

will forever be stuck at the back of their mind.



Eunbi, who was unable to move just fell down on the floor. While the other girls can't help it but to pinch their nose from the smell.

"Why..why did she do that?" Minju said as she stepped inside the garage, her slippers immediately got a stain of blood, but she didn't and wouldn't care.

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