Untitled Part 1

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Present Day

Oliver snuck into the building, his face covered, only his deadly gaze showing. He had been sent to shadow a fellow member of the League of Assassins' and give Maseo feedback on their skills and from what Oliver had observed so far, they were good. The person was petite in stature and from the way the League wear conformed to the person's body, they were female. It had been months since Oliver had been around a person of the opposite sex. During his three months of initiation into the League he had been sequestered and only had contact with those that trained him or fed him. Oliver had proven himself quickly to be one of their best and so the fact that he was shadowing a female recruit was a surprise.

He watched from the shadows as she stealthily moved along the wall, a blade held in her small hand. She has been tasked to track a Thanatos Guild spy who was known to frequent the area, and report back about their movements without being seen, and so far she was handling the job well. She turned the corner and went out of his sight, and Oliver waited a moment before he followed and as he turned the corner, he found himself shoved up against the wall and a blade to his throat. Blue eyes bore into his as the tiny woman, who was surprisingly strong for her size, whispered. "If you don't want to bleed where you stand you will tell me who you are and why you are following me."

Oliver dared not move a muscle, even though he could have easily turned the tables on her, and his blue eyes looked at her with cocky amusement."I am called Al-Sah-Him and I was sent as backup in case you were noticed by the man you were following."

Felicity's eyes narrowed in annoyance. How dare they send someone to follow her. She had finished her training recently and she was good. She had proven herself against opponent after opponent, and the fact that they had sent someone after her filled her with frustration.

"Well Al-Sah-Him! You can go back to Maseo and let him know that I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself and I don't need someone shadowing me for a simple tail and report."

Oliver shifted under the feel of her pressed against him, and as she became aware of his rock hard body against her own, she pulled away and lowered her blade. All he could see was her eyes, but Oliver felt an immediate attraction to this mysterious woman. Sure he could blame it on not having been with a woman for months, but he felt there was something more there. Catching her by surprise, Oliver gripped her arms and turned their bodies so she was the one pressed between him and the wall, her hand with the blade, helpless at her side.

"And who shall I tell him is sending the message?" He pressed a little closer feeling her soft curves and he smirked beneath his cloth when he felt her body slightly shiver.

"I am called Akilah." Oliver did not let the surprise show in his eyes. That name meant clever, bright. She must be smart. He leaned close to her ear.

"Well Akilah, next time, don't release your adversary until you are sure they are not a threat." He gazed down at her again, and then released her and disappeared.

Felicity sagged against the wall in frustration. Damn! Now she had lost her man.

She slid her blade back into its sheath, and headed back to the compound. She needed to give Maseo an update and then they needed to talk.


Oliver hurried back to the compound and immediately sought out Maseo. He had been impressed with what he had seen from Akilah and he was intrigued by her. For the most part the women of the League were kept separated from the men during initiation and training, but when fighting and in battle they were seen as equals. They could fight with the best of the men and he had a feeling that despite her releasing him before she knew it was safe, she would be a formidable opponent.

Maseo saw him enter and motioned to him. "I see you have returned. What do you have to report?" Oliver removed the cloth from his face before he spoke.

"She is small and silent. The spy had no clue he was being followed by her, and she was able to detect my presence which as you know, most in the League cannot do. She was a good choice and will be a definite asset to the League."

As he finished what he was saying they heard someone enter the room and Oliver turned to see the woman walking in with a determined stride. His eyes reflected his surprise at her beauty as she ripped the cloth from the bottom of her face and stalked up to Maseo. Her blue eyes were furious and Oliver stepped back to watch with amusement as she made her feelings known.

"Maseo, why did you send this.......this....HIM to follow me?" She waved toward Oliver and he placed his hands behind his back in a relaxed stance as his eyes twinkled with amusement.

"Because this was your first mission alone, and I needed to make sure that you could handle it."

Felicity glanced at Oliver and wished she hadn't. He was devastatingly handsome. She had seen his intense blue eyes above his balaclava and thought him arresting, but with his chiseled jaw and the scruff that lined it, he was gorgeous. She tried to ignore him and turned back to Maseo.

"Next time I find someone following me, they will feel the end of my blade in their chest." She gave them both a stern look before she turned, but she stopped at the door and looked at Maseo. "By the way, the spy you sent me to follow must spend quite a bit of time in that area. He knew it without hesitation." She glared at the smirk on Oliver's face and stalked out of the room.

Oliver made up his mind right then and there. He was attracted to her and he could sense she was to him.

He was going to know her.

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