Untitled Part 27

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Oliver and Felicity walked into A.R.G.U.S., the next day their nerves on edge. They had not spoken to John or Lyla since the night before and both were wondering if the recording had done any good. If it was enough for A.R.G.U.S., to investigate Waller and put a stop to her and Darhk. They rushed through security and headed straight to Lyla's office. John was already there, and they walked in closing the door behind them.

"Hey guys!" John said. "We actually have some good news for you this morning."

Oliver and Felicity looked at each other and then at John, "Tell us!"

"Lyla was able to talk to Director Robbins and let him hear the recording. They are putting together an investigative committee against Waller as we speak." he said.

"Well that is great." Felicity said. "How are they going to handle things with Darhk?" she asked.

"They are getting a warrant for his arrest this afternoon. Hopefully they can bring him in and with the evidence from the warehouse plus the recording they should have everything they need to shut the project down and press charges." Lya said.

Oliver looked at Felicity relieved. "Thank you both." he said to John and Lyla.

"Well don't thank us just yet. We need to make sure Darhk doesn't leave town before that arrest warrant is issued." John said.

"Leave that to me.", Oliver said and then kissed Felicity. "I will see you later." He hurried out the door and Felicity watched him go with worried eyes before she looked at John and Lyla.

"I am going to get to work. Will you let me know when you hear something?" she asked. Lyla smiled and nodded and Felicity turned and walked to her office. She had some things she needed to get done today for the League but her mind would not leave Oliver. What was he up to?

She sat down at her desk and putting on her headphones set to work. She found she was soon lost in the code she was using to try to get more Intel for the League and time flew by quickly.


Oliver walked into the apartment and headed to the bedroom to change into his League gear. As he added his weapons he thought back over what John and Lyla had told them. He needed to keep Darhk here until the arrest warrant was served. He decided he would go to the warehouse and ask for a meeting with Darhk. But first he needed to contact Maseo and let him know about his plan. He was going to convince Darhk that he had talked to Maseo and they had agreed to some tech. It would keep Darhk in town and his mind occupied.

Oliver parked a few blocks away and made his way stealthily to the warehouse door. There were a few men outside and when they saw him approach they tensed. They had heard of him and after he had dispatched the two men the day before they were going to keep their distance.

Oliver walked up to one of the men and looking at him with cold eyes over his balaclava he said, "I want to see Darhk."

The men looked him over and then one got on his phone and made a call. Soon he was leading Oliver into the warehouse and through the large room filled with crates toward the office that Oliver had been in the day before. So Darhk was here today. Good. This was neutral ground and would be a good place to meet with him.

Oliver watched the man walk away before he turned and entered the office. He shut the door behind him; the sound would alert him if someone came up behind him.

"Al-Sah-Him. I was not expecting you back so soon." Darhk said.

"I talked to Maseo." Oliver said and watched Darhk's expression.

"And?" he said.

"The League has agreed to some of the electronics on a limited basis." Oliver said. "They will agree to some phones and one laptop."

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