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Oliver and Felicity waited for Maseo to arrive. They had talked all night, even calling Lyla and John and had finally come to a decision. They were both excited about getting started with a fresh, clean slate and they were ready to give Maseo and the League their answer.

Maseo walked into the room, the assassin's traveling with him staying by the door as he approached. "So I was happy to get your call this morning." He looked at Oliver and then at Felicity. "So what have you decided?"

Oliver looked at Felicity and then at Maseo. "After talking most of the night and going back and forth about this, we have decided that as much as we would like to give up Al-Sah-Him and Akilah, we cannot. They are ingrained in us. They are a part of us and that will never change. Ras could ask us to give up the names but a part of us would still be Al-Sah-Him and Akilah. Therefore we have a proposition for you."

Maseo looked at him in surprise. "The League does not negotiate."

"This is not a negotiation. Our offer is this. We keep our identities as Al-Sah-Him and Akilah, and in exchange Felicity will continue to help the League with Intel through A.R.G.U.S. However we will no longer do missions and we officially work for A.R.G.U.S., not The League."

Maseo looked at him in shock. "Oliver you know Ras will not go for this. If you keep the names you officially belong to the League."

Oliver took a step forward, "I want you to convince him otherwise."

Felicity looked at Maseo, "Please Maseo. Will you talk to him? Surely you understand that those identities are a part of us."

Maseo looked at her for a moment. Little did they know he absolutely understood that feeling. Maseo sighed, "Give me an hour."

Oliver and Felicity walked out of the warehouse. Neither one knew how things were going to shake out, but whether they kept the identities or not, one thing was certain. They would still work for A.R.G.U.S. They had talked with Lyla and Diggle for quite a while last night and with Lyla working as the interim Director after Waller, she had been able to offer them both legitimate positions with A.R.G.U.S.

Felicity looked at Oliver as she heard his phone ring, and looking down he nodded to her. It was Maseo. They headed back to the warehouse, and walked in approaching Maseo.

"I spoke to Ras." Maseo paused for a moment. "I explained to him your offer and about Felicity agreeing to continue to help the League. He will agree to your terms."

Oliver and Felicity looked at him waiting for more. Maseo just looked at them.

"That is it? He just agreed? Why do I feel there is more somewhere?" Felicity asked.

"Ras said that because of what you did for the League, that he can grant you this one thing. He did not want to lose either of you so he feels this is a good compromise." Maseo said.

Oliver stepped forward and held out his hand for Maseo to shake. Maseo took his hand, shook it and said, "I wish you both the very best." Maseo nodded to Felicity and then turned and left the building. It took Oliver and Felicity a moment to process what had just happened. They were free!


Felicity looked up from her desk, a smile spreading across her lips when she saw Oliver sticking his head in the door. It had been three months since they had talked to Maseo and three months of working for A.R.G.U.S., directly and it had been great. They had immediately contacted their families and let them know they were alive and being able to have their families back in their lives had been amazing. Felicity's Mom had moved to Star City to be near her daughter, the years thinking she was gone had taken a toll. To have her back was more than she could stand and she wanted to spend as much time as she could with her. Oliver's parents had died before they went missing so his sister had been the one person he had been waiting to get back and see. Her screams of joy could be heard from the phone and she had immediately flown out and spent a week with them. It had been nice hearing that she was happy and doing well. She had moved to Central City after Oliver had gone missing and had a job there that she loved. Oliver and Felicity had made plans to fly to see her as soon as they were able.

Oliver and John had been assigned as partners and had worked several missions together. They worked well together and were slowly becoming the top team at A.R.G.U.S.

Felicity had been working with the A.R.G.U.S., security team and was revamping their system and upgrading their security. She had really been enjoying getting to her hands dirty and getting to dig so deeply into their system.

Oliver leaned down and kissed her as she shut down her computer. Today was the first time in two weeks that they were going home at the same time, and Felicity was looking forward to some alone time with Oliver. She had been working some late nights and he had been out of town. It was nice to be together.

"You ready to go?" He asked.

"Yes, I just need to stop by and give Lyla an update on where the system upgrade stands." she said.

They walked down the hall to Lyla's office and Felicity knocked on the door as Oliver went to get the car. She walked in when Lyla called her in and a smile crossed Lyla's face. Felicity had not only become an asset to A.R.G.U.S., but she also had become a good friend to Lyla and that was something she had been missing.

"So the system will undergo some testing tonight to make sure the firewalls we installed are working properly and then tomorrow we should have the new security system ready to deploy on all computers." Felicity said. She went over some dates of completion with Lyla and then stood to head home.

"Felicity?" Lyla walked around her desk to stand next to Felicity. "John and I want to have you guys over for dinner tomorrow night. We thought we could BBQ and maybe play some board games."

"Sounds good. Just let us know what time." Felicity hugged Lyla and then headed down to meet Oliver.


Felicity walked into their apartment with a soft sigh. It was so good to be home and to have Oliver home as well. He had been out of town for over a week and she had missed him terribly. Oliver locked the door and when he turned, Felicity was in his arms and he smiled into her hair. He had a surprise for her tonight and he was glad they were having a night alone.

Oliver kissed her softly and then took her hand. "Come with me beautiful." he said.

He led her down the hall and when he opened the door he had rose petals all over the room and a soft light glowing from the bedside lamp. He had stopped by this afternoon and set this up and he wanted to make sure everything was perfect for her.

"Oliver. What is all of this?" she said breathlessly. Her eyes were wide with wonder. She gasped when she saw a small black box sitting in the middle of the bed.

"Well, I have a question for you Miss Smoak.", he said.

He walked over and took the box from the bed, then taking her hand he knelt at her feet. Everything he wanted to say and do flew out the window when he saw her today in her office. He had missed her terribly all week and could not wait to get back to her and ask her to be his wife.

Felicity's hands flew to her mouth as he looked up at her, "Felicity Megan Smoak, will you marry me?"

Felicity fell to her knees, her heart bursting with love, "Yes!"

Oliver took the ring from the box and placed it on her finger. He leaned forward and kissed her with love and passion and joy. Her hands moved to his face, and she gently held his face as she kissed him with all of the love she had inside of her. He slowly undressed her and kissed every single part of her that he revealed. She was so very beautiful and as the night progressed he proceeded to show her just how much he loved and appreciated her.

As they lay in each other's arms after making love, their bodies spent, their breathing starting to slow, Felicity turned in his arms and smiled, "You have made me the happiest girl in the world, twice tonight." she teased.

Oliver laughed and tickled her and she squealed before settling against his side. "I knew when I left earlier this week that I was ready to make things official. I want to get married and start a family." he said.

"You want kids?' she asked. They had never really talked about kids before, and he smiled a soft smile.

"Two!" he said.

"Well then you had better get to work Mr. Queen.", she teased and kissed him with a grin.

Two months later his work paid off.

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