Untitled Part 28

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Oliver sat by her side, wondering should he take her to the hospital? Call John? Call the League. They had been home for an hour and she was still unconscious. Oliver got a warm wet rag and wiped her brow. Why had she come after him? They had discussed the danger of doing just that but again she had not listened. She had gone in after him and Darhk had gotten a hold of her and now she was unconscious. He stood and paced the room, and then decided he needed to call Maseo. He needed the Leagues help.

Maseo answered and Oliver quickly explained the situation and what had happened.

"Does she have a needle mark on her neck?" Maseo asked. Oliver walked over and looked at her closely. Sure enough there was a needle mark in the side of her neck.

"Yes, on her right side." he said.

"Darhk has a history of using a drug called temazepam. It's a sleeping drug. All you can do is let it wear off.", Maseo said.

Oliver was thankful it was not something worse, but he didn't know how much she had been given. "How long does that normally take?" he finally asked.

"The members he used it on were back awake within 8 hours of having been injected, some sooner." Maseo said.

"Thank you my friend." Oliver said.

"By the way. I wanted to let you know. With Felicity's help today we found out exactly what the Thanatos Guild has been doing with the weapons and it is tied to Darhk and Waller. It seems the guild was supplying them with weapons that could be used once the software and electronics had been deployed. Darhk had plans to use military grade weapons to take over the areas that he and Waller targeted."

Oliver was shocked. He did not realize that their plan was that detailed.

"I have no doubt he would have used both the software and the weapons to end the League once and for all." Maseo said.

It made perfect sense that Darhk would target the League. He had been trying to take the docks from them for years and this would have been an easy way to do just that.

"Thank you for letting me know Maseo. When I have more details on Darhk and Waller I will be in touch." Oliver hung up the phone and walked over to Felicity. She could be asleep for a few more hours, so he kissed her head and decided to go check in with John. He walked into the living room and running his hands down his face sat down and called John. He answered on the second ring and proceeded to fill Oliver in on what had gone down at the warehouse.

They were able to secure Darhk and take him in and they had confiscated the whole warehouse. Interestingly they had found both electronics and weapons. The weapons were no surprise to Oliver and he proceeded to tell John about the Thanatos Guild and what Maseo had shared with him.

"How is Felicity doing?" John finally asked.

"She is still unconscious, but based on what I think Darhk injected her with, she should be awake soon." he said.

"Look Oliver, I am sorry we let her leave. She told Lyla she was going to the apartment to check on you. If I had known she had plans to go after you I would have had Lyla follow her."

"Don't worry John. Felicity is very stubborn. It wasn't you or Lyla's fault. She is going to be fine, and thanks to both of you Waller and Darhk are now off the board." Oliver said. "Hey listen, I will check in with you and Lyla tomorrow. Thanks again John."

Oliver hung up the phone and as he did he heard a moan. He raced to the bedroom to find Felicity sitting up holding her head. She looked up and then immediately regretted it as the light pierced her skull. Her head was pounding and she finally had to lie back down.

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