Untitled Part 16

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Oliver grunted as he hit the mat again and again and again. John was good. Damn good! But Oliver was not to be outdone and soon he was gaining the upper hand, and he smiled as John hit the mat with a satisfying thud.

"Your good!", John said, impressed. He had trained many agents in his time with A.R.G.U.S., but none of them had the natural ability or grace in fighting that Oliver possessed. He moved seamlessly, AND John had to admit with deadly precision. "I can see why you were the League's best assassin. You move with a inate quiet grace that not many men possess."

"You are good too John! It has been a while since I have sparred with someone that was my equal.", Oliver said.

"I was in the miitary for 7 years. That is actually where Lyla and I first met.", he said, but didn't offer more details.

They fought a little longer before John called it quits and they both headed to the showers. They were suppose to meet Lyla and Felicity for lunch and Oliver could not wait to see her. He had brought his gym bag with him, so he showered and changed and placing his bag in the locker that John had assigned him, he followed John out the door and down the hall.

Instead of heading toward Lyla's office, John turned the opposite direction and soon they were entering a large office with three computer monitors and some of the most sophisticated electronics Oliver had ever seen. He smiled when he saw Felicity sitting behind the monitors, her hands flying over the keyboard. It had been a long time since he had enjoyed seeing her in her natural element and she looked right at home. She had her earphones on so he approached slowly and tried to capture her attention. She soon looked up and smile widely as she took out her earphones and shut down the computer.

"Lyla will be here in a moment. She got called to Waller's office." Felicity told them before giving Oliver a kiss.

"So how did your morning go?", he asked. Her face lit up.

"Oh Oliver I cannot tell you how wonderful it is to be behind a computer again. And the system I have been given is heaven. It is the latest technology. I mean I have been out of the loop for so long I didn't even know the computer could do half of what I have been programming this morning. I am in love!", she said. She was so excited about the work she would be doing. it has been years since she had sat behind a computer and the joy of it had swept over her as soon as Lyla had shown her the room. She had forgotten the thrill of working the code, seeing the lines dance before her eyes and just the small job she had done this morning and had made her remember every single emotion.

Lyla walked in a moment later, with a frustrated sigh. "Let's get to lunch. I have some news to tell you guys and I don't want to do it here.", she said cryptically.

They all headed out the door and Oliver frowned as he thought back on her words. She had met with Waller and now she had some news. This did not sound good. They drove to a nearby diner and taking a booth at the back ordered their food before Lyla started talking.

"So Waller called me into her office to ask me how things were going. When I told her about Felicity and how she had jumped in so seamlessly Waller became intrigued.", Lyla said and gave John a knowing look before she turned to Felicity. "She wants you to work on a project for her Felicity. She wouldn't tell me what it was, but whenever Waller is involved I get extremely nervous. She is ruthless and cold and I have seen her crush some of the best agents underneath her to get to where she wants to be."

Oliver frowned. He knew Waller and he didn't like what Lyla was saying. "Can Felicity say no? She is suppose to be working as a liaison between the League and A.R.G.U.S., not doing special jobs for the agency director."

John looked at Oliver and sighed, "I wouldn't suggest it. Waller is bad at taking no for an answer and she could easily make life hell for Felicity, and for you."

Felicity looked at Oliver and then back at Lyla.

"She wants to meet with you after lunch!", Lyla said.

Felicity let out a frustrated breath. Well damn!

John saw the concern in Oliver's eyes and looked at Felicity. "Listen Felicity. Just meet with Waller and then tell her you need the night to think about her offer. That way you can go home and talk to Oliver."

Felicity felt Oliver grab her hand under the table and squeeze it gently. He was concerned but was trying to reassure her in his own way.

She was going to need it.


Waller sat at her desk, her fingers absently drumming on the top of her desk as she thought back over the conversation with Lyla. The agency had good computer people, some of the best. But based on what Lyla had told her, Felicity Smoak was even better, and that was exactly what she needed. She had been working on a secret project within the agency, one that even the top brass did not know about. And she needed someone to help create a program that would infiltrate any computer system in the world. it seemed that Felicity Smoak might be exactly who she needed.

She looked up as she heard a knock at her door and Felicity poked her head inside.

"You wish to see me Ms. Waller?, Felicity asked cautiously. She had only met Waller once and that was after Maseo had negotiated the deal with the League and Waller. She had thought her cold and indifferent and as Amanda waved for her to come in and take a seat, Felicity's thought did not change.

"Thank you for coming by Miss Smoak. How is your first day going?", she asked as she gave Felicity a smile. It did not quite reach her eyes.

"Everything has been going great. Lyla has been a wonderful point of contact and I was able to get right to work this morning with the amazing computer system you have set up for me." Felicity smiled a tight smile. She was still very nervous about where this might be headed and using her Assassin's instincts she was not going to relax until she was out of Waller's office.

"Good. I am glad you were able to get right to work." Waller paused for a moment before she leveled a hard stare at Felicity. "I know Lyla probably mentioned why I have called you here. Please indulge me and let me explain what I am needing. You see, as Director for A.R.G.U.S., I am sometimes asked to work on some projects that are, shall we say, considered questionable.", she said. "A few months ago I was tasked by a few in A.R.G.U.S., to started a program where we can monitor any computer, phone or smart TV, in any country, in any household, anywhere. We need someone to write that program and help us monitor the technology we choose. I want you to be that person." Waller stared at Felicity gauging her reaction.

Felicity frowned, "Even civilians?"

Waller smiled a cold smile, "Even civilians."

"But isn't that illegal? And why would you need to monitor a computer of an everyday civilian? Why not focus on the bad guys?" Felicity frowned.

"Because A.R.G.U.S., needs to be established as the agency with absolute power. We need to have access to any and all terrorists and that includes your John Doe who lives two blocks down from a baptist church in a two story brick home with 3.5 kids."

Felicity didn't know how she felt about that, but deep in her gut she didn't like it. She took a deep breath and stood. "May I have tonight to think over your offer?"

Waller stood as well and looked at her curiously before she nodded. "You have one night!"

Felicity turned and walked out of Waller's door and then looked at Waller. "What happens if I refuse?

Amanda laughed coldly, "I wouldn't recommend refusing Ms. Smoak.

Felicity left her office with a sick feeling in her stomach. Her mind was going over her conversation with Waller and the implications of what she was asking her to do.

She sat down at her desk, sick to her stomach and took a deep breath as she tried to calm down. Waller has basically threatened her if she refused and the thought of what she could do gave Felicity chills. She hoped the end of the day would come soon.

All she wanted to do was get home and talk to Oliver.

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