Untitled Part 19

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Felicity took a deep breath as she walked to her office the next morning. She had a lot to do today and her main focus was to get the software set up so she could monitor Waller's office. She had been running the code she would use through her mind all morning and by the time she sat down at her desk and put on her headphones she was ready to get to work. She started typing and soon she was lost in the code, the lines running quickly across her screen. She had to beef up the security on her own system before she started so that it could not be traced back to her if it was found and then she lost herself in her work.

She looked up in confusion as she heard a knock at her door and Oliver poked his head inside. "Are you ready for lunch?" he asked.

Felicity look at him in confusion and then glanced at the clock. She had been so engrossed in her work that four hours had passed quickly. "Oh my goodness yes. I didn't realize what time it was." she said as she locked her computer.

"I know! That is why I came to check on you." he said with a concerned look. He knew how engrossed Felicity could get in her work and so he had wanted to check on her before lunch.

She walked over and kissed his lips. "You ok?" he said.

"I am good Oliver, I promise." He placed his hand at her back and led her down the hall and past security to their car. They were meeting Lyla and John at the nearby diner and were going to talk about her progress for the morning.

They walked in and saw John and Lyla sitting in the same booth and taking their seat, they all ordered their food before John asked Felicity about her progress. "How is it going so far?" he asked.

"Well I had to set up some software that would divert anyone trying to trace the software that will monitor her system. I figured if it was found, I don't want them to be able to trace it back to me. Now I just have to start working on the actual software that will monitor everything. I am going to set it up where it will ping my phone when triggered. That way if I am not in my office I can listen by phone." she said.

Lyla looked at her with awe. She was truly amazed at how smart Felicity was and she was glad they had her on their side.

"How long do you think it will take to set up the monitoring software?" Oliver asked.

"Probably the rest of the afternoon and that is only if I don't get interrupted or asked to do something for the League. It could take longer if that happens." she said.

They all settled into a comfortable silence as their food arrived. They ate for awhile and soon the conversation was flowing easily as they talked about their childhoods. Felicity noticed how little Oliver shared about his and she took his hand in hers under the table and squeezed softly. It had not been easy being Robert Queen's son and Oliver had made a lot of mistakes in his teen years. In fact when they met he was trying to work past a reputation of being a playboy. It had taken Felicity a little time to trust him, but she never regretted doing so and when he looked at her and gave her a small smile, she let her love show in her eyes.

As they paid the bill, Felicity and Lyla walked on ahead and Lyla pulled her aside when they stepped out the door. "Felicity! I just want you to know that if you need anything from me, you only have to ask. I am meeting with one of the agents I did a mission with recently who has platinum level clearance. I am hoping he might know something."

Felicity gave Lyla an understanding look as the men exited the diner.

John looked at Lyla and said, "Oliver and I have been asked to go check on a warehouse on the east side, so can you ride with Felicity back to work?"

"Sure.", Lyla said and gave him a soft kiss. "Please be careful!"

Oliver walked over to Felicity and kissed her gently, "I will text you later and then see you at home, ok?" he said.

Felicity nodded and then led Lyla to her car as John and Oliver jumped in John's SUV and drove to the warehouse. They had received a text that some suspicious activity was taking place, and they needed to check it out. With it being Oliver's first mission, he was glad to be going with John. Oliver was confident of his abilities, especially with everything he had learned in the League. But A.R.G.U.S., rules and League rules were two different things, and so it was nice to have John along to help.

John always carried his weapon with him and he indicated to Oliver that he had an extra weapon in the glove compartment as they arrived near the warehouse. They were going to park down the street and walk the rest of the way on foot. Oliver was the lead, so he worked out a few hand signals with John before they headed toward their target. As they neared the building they moved quietly, their eyes scanning the area. The warehouse had been deserted for several years and so when some activity had popped up it had triggered A.R.G.U.S.'s computer system. They had suspicions that something illegal was being routed through the warehouse, so they hoped that Oliver and John could get some visual Intel on what might be happening.

As they drew closer they noticed some men, loading a van with several large boxes. Oliver motioned for John to move around to the opposite side as he set up visual surveillance nearby. He could hear the men talking and he gasped in shock when heard a familiar name. Damian Darhk!

"Mr. Darhk is not going to be happy if we are late with the shipment!" one of the men said.

"Do you know what it is?" the other man asked, glancing with curiosity at the boxes.

"No, and I don't want to know!" the man said. "Now, get the last box and let's get rolling."

Oliver watched as they loaded the last box and then shutting the van doors headed out of the parking lot. Oliver caught John's attention and motioned for him to move toward the door. They needed to get a look inside and see if there were any more boxes and if so what they held. Oliver had heard of Darhk while in the League and he knew he was known for drug trafficking, but he usually kept those shipments close to water. This warehouse was in an abandoned part of town and so Oliver could not imagine it being drugs. He opened the door slowly and they both crept inside, the quiet of the large room echoing every small movement.

They moved quickly toward a set of crates against the wall and Oliver tried to open one, the lid moving easily. They glanced inside and when they saw the contents they knew they needed to get back and report to A.R.G.U.S., immediately. The crates were filled with electronics. Everything from phones to computers to TV's, were inside each crate they checked and Oliver grew more confused as they moved through the room. What was Darhk doing with so many electronics? He was basically a high level drug dealer.

They looked through the last of the crates and headed back to their car.

As John drove he looked Oliver, "You know something man. I can tell. What are you not telling me?"

Oliver looked at John, "I overheard one of the men mention Damian Darhk."

John frowned, "The drug trafficker? What would he be doing dealing with electronics?"

"I don't know, but we need to get this information back to A.R.G.U.S., and figure out what we can about Darkh!"

John agreed and as they drove on in silence Oliver had an idea. He was going to contact Maseo and see what Intel he could give him. The League had been keeping an eye on Darhk over the past few years. His drugs moved through some of the Leagues ports, and they kept tabs on anyone or anything that moved through their territory. He knew if he asked Maseo for a favor that Maseo would not hesitate to help him.

Maseo owed him one!

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