Untitled Part 8

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Felicity cursed as the two assassin's behind her moved closer. She thought she was in a good spot, with good cover. She was wrong. Felicity fingered the dagger at her waist, and she knew she could take down one of them with no problem but she knew as soon as she did, the other would attack. It was a chance she would have to take. Oliver and Slade were nowhere nearby and if she hesitated she was as good as dead.

Felicity threw the first dagger and hit the guy on the left right between the eyes. He fell immediately to the floor and before Felicity could grab her second dagger, the second guild member had pierced her shoulder with an arrow. She cried out in pain, and fell to her knees. She tried to stand but the pain was excruciating and she watched him approach her thinking she was about to lose her life. He grabbed her and yanked her up, and turned quickly as he heard someone approaching. She looked to see Oliver and Slade walking up and Oliver had his bow loaded with an arrow and it was pointing right at the man holding her.

The man tried to pull her in front of his body, but she gathered just enough strength to throw herself to the side, and the arrow from Oliver's bow hit the man right through the throat. She heard the whoosh of a second arrow and one of the men behind her fell to the ground, and one more arrow flew taking out another of the guild members.

Slade engaged the third guild member as Oliver ran to her side. He saw the arrow protruding from her shoulder, and his eyes hardened with cold rage. He needed to get the arrow out, and she nodded to him before he pulled it out. She cried out in pain and soon her vision turned black and she fell into blissful oblivion.

Oliver had been keeping track of Felicity through the tracker in her comm, and had been close by when he heard her scream in pain. The sound had been terrifying and he and Slade had ran to her location, his mind racing with what they might find when they arrived. He had been relieved to see her alive, but had been worried when he saw the arrow in her shoulder.

He gently picked her up and signaling to Slade headed back to the safe house. He needed to get her there and tend to her wound. He knew it was not fatal, but he also knew she was in pain, and he needed to stop the bleeding so she could get her strength back.

He entered the house and hurried to her room and laid her on the bed. Then racing to the bathroom, he grabbed the first aid kit that the League always kept stocked and walked back to her side. He looked at her face, so pale lying against the pillow and he gently caressed her cheek before he started unbuttoning her League outfit. He needed to get her shirt off to get to her shoulder, and he slowly peeled back her shirt, seeing the wound. He grabbed the washcloth he had taken from the bathroom, and slowly started to clean the blood from her shoulder. It was a clean wound, and would leave a small scar, and he stitched the wound before he covered it with gauze. He then stripped her of her clothing, and pulled the covers up over her.

He knew he needed to leave to let her rest, but his feet would not move. Something was keeping him by her side. However, he also needed to talk to Slade, and he gently kissed her forehead before heading to the living room. Slade arrived a short time later and briefed him on his fight before Oliver updated him on Akilah's condition. He bid Slade goodnight and then went to his room and changed his clothes.

He decided to put on a pair of sweats and a t-shirt and then hurried back to her room. She looked so beautifully peaceful as she slept and he watched her for a moment. Flashes and images suddenly swarmed through his head, and he closed his eyes trying to sort them out. He had images of him and Felicity kissing on a boat, of them making love, and then the boat sinking, her screams reverberating through his head. He suddenly opened his eyes wide with shock as his memories came flooding back to him. Felicity, his love, his girl friend. They had been on a trip to Thailand when their yacht had hit a huge storm and their boat had gone down. He remembered the League members coming to their rescue and he stumbled back as he remembered everything.

He sat down heavily at her side. Felicity! His hand lovingly stroked her cheek as he remembered Starling City and his life there. He didn't know what to think, or what to feel. All he knew was he loved Felicity, and he laid down beside her on the bed and pulled her to him. She needed to rest so he tried not to awaken her, but they needed to talk. They would do that tomorrow.


Felicity slowly opened her eyes, her shoulder throbbing. She remembered the guild members and taking the arrow in the shoulder and her hand moved to check her wound. She turned her head and saw Oliver sleeping soundly beside her. He was turned on his side facing her and had his arm across her waist. She tried to move out from under his arm without waking him. She needed to go the bathroom, but when she moved she moaned in pain. Her shoulder was killing her. Oliver's eyes flew open when he heard her moan, and he leaned up on his elbow, concern in his eyes.

"Are you ok?', he asked. He looked at her shoulder, trying to make sure she had not pulled her stitches.

Felicity's mouth was dry, so her voice was hoarse, "Yes. But I need to go to the ladies room."

Oliver moved quickly off the bed and walked around to her side. He held out his hand and gently pulled her to a sitting position. She winced as the movement pulled her stitches, but he put his arm under her and helped her to her feet. He slowly walked with her to the bathroom, and told her he would wait for her as she finally got a little strength and entered closing the door. Oliver ran to the kitchen and grabbed her a cold bottle of water and two pain killers before he headed back. She was sitting on the bed, her eyes glassy with pain.

"Here, take these!", he said and handed her the pain pills and then the water.

She swallowed the pills and then laid back on the bed with a soft sigh. "How were you so close?" She was surprised they had arrived as quickly as they did last night. It had saved her life.

"I was tracking you through your comms.", Oliver said. He knew she might be angry he had been keeping an eye on her, but when she just nodded and closed her eyes, he let out a breath.

"Thank you!", she said softly.

He wanted to talk to her and tell her about getting his memories back, but now was not the time. And there was no guarantee she would believe him. He needed to find the right time.

He smiled as he looked down at her and noticed the pain pills starting to kick work.

"Don't leave!", she said softly, her eyes still closed, and Oliver turned off the lamp on the bedside table, before he walked around and pulled her to his side again. He held her close, gently stroking her hair and soon he could tell she was sound asleep. He kissed her head and whispered, "I love you!"

Oliver drifted off to sleep with her held tightly to his chest, and he dreamed of the life they had before the League. Would she remember? 

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