Untitled Part 17

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Felicity hurried through the door of their apartment calling out for Oliver. She had seen his car out front but she knew since they had ridden to work together that John was bringing him home. Looking around the empty apartment, she shut the door and placed her purse on the counter as she walked down the hall to the bedroom.

She pulled off her shoes and threw them into the closet before she collapsed on the bed. Her mind could not stop going over her conversation with Waller. There was so much that Waller could do if Felicity did not agree to her terms and it worried Felicity. She did not want to go back to the League, but Waller could make it happen.

Felicity stood and changed into one of Oliver's t-shirts and some shorts and headed back down the hall for a drink. She decided to have a glass of wine while she waited and grabbing the bottle from the fridge, she popped the cork and poured a glass. She smiled as she smelled the aroma of the wine. Oliver had surprised her with the bottle their second night in their apartment and it was Felicity's favorite.

She took her glass and sat on the couch, closing her eyes as she leaned her head against the back of the sofa. She looked up when she heard a key in the lock and Oliver opened the door smiling.

"Well you look comfortable!", he said as he locked the door and then walked over and kissed her on the lips. He could tell she had something on her mind, so throwing his keys on the table he walked around and sat beside her, pulling her feet into his lap.

"Talk to me, what's going on? Is it about Waller?" He could always read her so well and she placed her glass on the coffee table and let out a sigh as he started to rub her feet.

"Yes!", she closed her eyes for a moment. "Waller is wanting me to create a program that will allow A.R.G.U.S., to monitor all electronics, in every country, all over the world.", she said. Oliver's hands paused their massage as he looked at her. "I asked her what would happen if I turned her down, and she basically threatened me. Us!" Oliver's jaw clenched, and Felicity pulled her feet out of his lap and slid close to his side. "I have to do this Oliver."

She could see Al-Sah-Him in his eyes and she took his face and turned his gaze to her. "I can't let her send us back to the League."

Oliver closed his eyes and sighed. He knew she was right. "So is this an A.R.G.U.S., project or......", he asked.

Felicity shook her head no. "Sounds to me like this is something she is working on alone. If she does have higher ups backing her she is being very hush hush. I am worried that she is working on this rogue. From everything you and Lyla have told me about her Oliver, I don't trust her one bit."

"We need to tell John and Lyla.", he said, and Felicity nodded. She knew they did and hopefully they could figure something out. But not tonight. She moved to sit on his lap, straddling his waist.

"We will, tomorrow! Tonight I just want to drink some wine, order a pizza and spend the evening with the man I love!" She kissed his lips and he smiled.

"Pepperoni and pineapple?", he grinned.

Felicity crinkled her nose and stood up, "How dare you suggest we desecrate a perfectly good pizza with pineapple? Have I not taught you better?" Oliver stood and grabbed her around the waist and started tickling her. "Ok! Ok! Half and half.", she gasped out as she laughed.

Oliver released her and went to call the pizza order in, as Felicity walked to the fridge and grabbed him a beer. This was exactly how she wanted to spend their evening. She was going to enjoy her evening tonight with Oliver and she would worry about Waller tomorrow.


Felicity and Oliver met John and Lyla for breakfast the next morning and Felicity filled them in on Waller's offer. John looked at Lyla and sighed. "Looks like she is back at it!" Lyla sat back in her seat dumbfounded.

Oliver could tell something was going on, "Ok. What do you guys know?"

Lyla looked at John and then started speaking, "Five years ago Waller was tasked with working on a tech project that the government was going to use to help Agents when they were in the field. It was a way for them to communicate through very unusual devices such as pens, broaches, things like that. Waller went outside the lines and started using the tech at A.R.G.U.S., for personal gain and got reprimanded. It sounds like she is back at her old habits. She doesn't want you to create this software for A.R.G.U.S., she wants you to create it for her."

Felicity felt anger course through her at what Lyla was implying. Waller was lying to her to use her, and if there were two things Felicity could not stand it was being lied to and used. She looked at Oliver. "We need to figure out a way to stop her without jeopardizing our deal."

Oliver agreed. They couldn't let Waller get control of a system like that.

"Listen we all need to get to work. Why don't we meet this evening for dinner and see if we can figure out a plan. You guys can come to our place, 7:30.", Lyla said as they all stood. Oliver threw a tip on the table and then placed his hand at Felicity's back as they walked out of the restaurant. Once they got to A.R.G.U.S., Oliver kissed her and followed John down the hall. Today they were going to be doing weapons training and Oliver was looking forward to working with weapons again. As Al-Sah-Him he had been particularly good with weapons and so he was looking forward to showing John just what he could do.

Felicity sat down at her desk and slipping on her headphones set to work on the software she had been working on for The League. She didn't realize how quickly time was passing until she saw her phone ringing. It was noon and her stomach was growling, but it was Waller calling. She wanted to see her in five minutes.

Felicity took a deep breath and then pulling all of her resolve she headed down the hall towards Waller's office. She was going to accept the position because she couldn't risk Waller making good on her threat. But she was also going to do everything in her power to make sure the software she was being asked to create, did not see the light of day.

She knocked on the door and when Waller called her in she closed the door behind her and sat down.

"So, have you thought about my offer Smoak?" Waller asked, inclined in her chair behind her desk as if she was asking about the weather.

"I have and after speaking with Oliver, I have decided to accept your offer and help you with your project." She watched as a smile slowly lit across Waller's face. But it was not a warm smile, it was a smile of victory.

"I am glad you saw it my way."

"So, when do I start?", Felicity asked. She hoped she had a little bit of time. She wanted to have a solid plan before she started.

"Tomorrow!", Waller said. "I will get you more of the details today. You can work on it from your office." Waller stood and walked around her desk and held out her hand. "I look forward to working with you Smoak!", she said as Felicity tentatively shook her hand.

Felicity turned and walked out of her office cursing in her head. Shit! She had to start tomorrow which only gave them tonight to come up with something, anything to stop her.

That was not a lot of time.

She just prayed they could think of something tonight.

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