Untitled Part 7

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Felicity woke early the next morning, and removing Oliver's arm carefully from her waist, she slid out of bed and tip-toed to her room. As much as she wanted to stay with Oliver she didn't want Slade to find out and so she showered and dressed quickly in her League gear. She needed to be mentally ready for today. Hopefully they would find Nyssa.

As she walked into the living room she saw Slade and Oliver sitting at the table talking and giving them both a smile, she headed directly to the coffee pot and poured herself a glass. She thanked the coffee gods as she found cream and sugar and sitting down she closed her eyes and took a sip with an appreciative moan. The room suddenly became silent and Felicity opened her eyes to find Slade and Oliver staring at her. Oliver with a hint of desire, Slade with a look of appreciation.

"What?", she asked.

"Is that good coffee Akilah?" Slade asked with a grin.

"What can I say? I love my coffee.", she said slightly defensive. "Now what is the plan for today? Where do we begin?" She decided to change the subject.

Oliver spoke up, "I thought we could go back to the safe house and start there. Someone got a message to Nyssa. Maybe she left it there in her room or somewhere in the house. We need to know what that message said."

They all agreed and grabbing their individual weapons headed to the car. Felicity was surprised to see Oliver strapped a quiver and arrows to his back. She knew his name meant The Arrow, but she had never seen him shoot or asked him about it.

They all three split up when they arrived at the old safe house and as Felicity crept up the front stairwell, she listened for strange sounds and looked for anything out of the ordinary. She placed her hand on her dagger as she leaned her head to the door to listen inside and not hearing any noise, she slowly opened the door. Her eyes scanned the room, as she heard Slade and Oliver come up behind her.

"All was clear on the back stairwell", said Slade.

"Roof was clear as well", Oliver said as they slowly moved into the living room. They all searched drawers and scanned any piece of paper they could find. Felicity moved into Nyssa's room, and looking around, she noticed an edge of a piece of paper on the floor, just peeking out from under the bed. She picked it up and looked it over and her brow creased with confusion.


I need your help.

Our usual meeting place.

Please come alone!

Your Beloved

Felicity read the note again. So, Nyssa had left to meet someone she knew. Someone she had or did love? Felicity hurried back into the living room and showed the note to Oliver and Slade.

"Do you know who she might have been seeing?" Oliver asked. He knew that Felicity and Nyssa were friends, maybe she had mentioned someone's name at some point.

"No. She never mentioned anyone." Felicity tried to think back to their conversations. She had never seen Nyssa with anyone except the blonde woman.

"Wait a minute. I was constantly seeing her with Ta-er al-Sahfer. She said that she had been asked by Maseo to train her. Wasn't Ta-er al-Sahfer sent to Kaza recently?"

Slade looked at Oliver, as realization spread through him, "Some high-ranking members of the guild were spotted in Kaza recently so that would make sense."

Oliver pulled out the burner phone that Maseo had given to him before they left. Maseo confirmed that some League members had been sent to Kaza recently.

"Ok we need to get to Kaza." Oliver led them back to the SUV and they quickly drove back to the safe house and gathered their things. It was a four-hour drive to Kaza and Felicity dozed off as the rhythm of the car swayed. Her eyes twitched as images flashed in her mind. She saw herself meeting Oliver wearing plain clothes in an office building. It then flashed to them kissing and then suddenly it flashed to them getting on a yacht. She fidgeted and turned in her sleep and suddenly sat up quickly, gasping awake. Slade was driving and Oliver turned in his seat and looked at her with concern.

"Are you ok Akilah?" he asked softly.

She looked around a little confused but nodded at him. This time the images stayed. She didn't understand them or why she was having these flashes. Oliver could see the confusion in her eyes and motioned that they would talk later. She knew he meant when they were alone.

The arrived in Kaza in the early afternoon, and drove to a safe house that Maseo had set up after speaking with Oliver. It was similar to the house they stayed in the night before and getting their stuff settled, they all grabbed their weapons and set out on foot. They would need to do some reconnaissance to see if they could find out where the guild had been spotted within the city.

They moved with quiet stealth through the streets, each taking a third of the city, their comms connected in case they needed assistance. Oliver moved quickly along the rooftops, his eyes scanning the streets below for any signs of the guild or Nyssa. As he entered a particularly bad part of town he stopped observing a bar that seemed to be open but there were few cars around the perimeter. He observed people coming and going and noticed a few guild members entering through a side entrance. He continued to observe. They had decided not to engage until they had a plan of entering and exiting with minimal casualties and when he was satisfied he had seen enough he backed away. This would be a place to note.

Felicity raced through an alley, keeping to the shadows as much as she possibly could in the light of day. Their plan of attack would be during the night, but they needed the daylight to learn the city and so she moved along noting bars and places that the guild might frequent. As she turned into a nearby alley, she noticed three guild members standing outside a door that was propped open. She moved closer her hand on her dagger trying to see if she could get a face or even an idea of what type of business it was.

She hit her comm, letting Slade and Oliver know she had spotted several guild members and that she was going to observe quietly before heading back to the safe house. Forgetting to turn off her comm, she moved closer, hiding behind a dumpster that was 30 feet away from her targets. Their voices carried and she heard them talking about the weapons shipments that were sitting in Opal City and she tensed. One of the men mentioned Ta-er al-Sahfer, and Felicity listened carefully. Sensing a presence, Felicity turned to see two Guild members standing behind her.


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