Blood Red

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It was late at night around 11:00pm, a women decided to go for a late night run, she was rounding the corner to the street that leads away from her house. It was deathly quiet outside all you could hear was her breathing and her footsteps and..... someone else's but she couldn't see anyone around. She stopped running and turned around, there was no one there. She quickly turned back around and continued running, a few minutes went by until she started hear the footsteps again but this time they were quicker, she turned round but continued running and she saw a man in all back walking behind her, she thought 'how is he walking so fast I am basically sprinting', the man was only a few feet behind her and getting closer. The women started to panic and run faster, she turned into a dark alleyway still looking behind her everyone one in while to see if the guy was their, she then hit a dead end and stopped.

"Shit, Shit , Shit" she exclaimed, looking for another way to go.

She turned around and the man was right in front of her, so close that she could feel his breaths on her face. She began to back up until she hit a wall, the man walked closed with a devilish smirk on his face, it wasn't until the small light above them hit his face that she saw that his eyes were blood red. The women was panicking as he inched closer, he then put a finger to her mouth to shush her. He looked her up and down and then lunged at her.
All you could hear were the women's screams of pain and then after a few seconds everything was silent again.

The next morning Scott awoke to his phone ringing on his nightstand, he groaned moving over carefully from his bed as to not wake Malia to grab his phone. It was Stiles.

"Hey Sheriff" he joked.

"Ugh Scott, you know I hate it when you call me that, Stiles is just fine you know" he replied slightly annoyed.

"I know, I know. What's up bro?"

"I need your help with a case, a couple found a body this morning in an alleyway. It was a young women, she had bite marks around her neck and severe bruising on her wrists, I need you to come down and see if you can identify what done this" Stiles explained.

"Sure I'll be there, just send me the address and I will get down as fast as I can"

Stiles sent him the address and he got ready, he walked over to Malia's side of the bed and kissed her forehead. She began to wake up slowly.

"Hey, I gotta go help Stiles with a case, then I'm off to work, so I'll see you later, okay?" He explained to her.

"Ok, I've got help Argent with a delivery today but I will pop round to the clinic once I'm done" she replied through tired eyes.

He placed a quick kiss on her lips and then walked out the door.

So what/who do you think attacked that women?

This is my very first story, hope you enjoyed the first part, let me know what you thought. I apologise if some of the dialogue is a little off or repetitive. But I think this story might turn out pretty good, I know where I want it to go so I should hopefully be able to update pretty regularly.

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