Traumatic Sideffects

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The next morning, Melissa gave Stiles some checks and pain medication before allowing him to go home and advising him to take it easy.
The pack refrained from giving Stiles the information of the past days events while he was unconscious, they wanted to allow him to heal and get back to reality before giving him the low down on everything.

Lydia led him into the house, arm wrapped around his waist, sitting him down on the couch. She fetched him some water and painkillers before settling down next to him and watching tv. After a while Lydia turned to Stiles, "I'm really glad you are ok" she said.

"I'm just glad you are here with me" he replied, facing her, giving her a soft kiss on the lips.

"You know Liam is having a party in a couple of days, we could go, take your mind of things, only if you are up for it though"

"Yeah I could do with a distraction, with everything that's happened and being off work for awhile, maybe a night out wouldn't be so bad"

Lydia nodded, smiling at him before turning back towards the TV and leaning her head lightly on his shoulder.


Xander stood in the middle of a derelict road, surrounded by trees and some mist, it was nightfall so no cars were on the road. Monroe stood next to him, they were waiting for the rest of Xander's army.
They waited for couple of minutes before they saw some faint shadow appear at the other end of the road, some black clothed figures emerged from the mist, there was 10 of them; 6 boys and 4 girls, and they all had dark red eyes just like Xander's.
They approached the 2, stopping a couple metres in front.

"Welcome my friends, thank you all for coming" exclaimed Xander. "I assume you all know why we are here, to take down the true alpha; Scott McCall. He poses a great threat to our kind and to other supernatural creatures, and with him out the way, we can finally free. Now he has a pack, a very strong one in fact, so that is where you all come in, you will take them down while I take Scott down" he explained.

They all nodded in agreement, but little did they know, Xander didn't want to kill Scott because he was a threat, he wanted to kill him because he wanted his power, and he knows you can't take a true alphas power which is why he has a little trick up his sleeve.

"Now, go feed. Our first plan of action is in a couple of days, and I will need some of you to be at your strongest in case things go sideways" Xander said.

They all darted off in different directions, searching for some innocent civilian to feed on.


Stiles woke up from sleeping, breathing heavily as if he had just ran a marathon, but he hadn't and what he hadn't told Lydia was that every time he closed his eyes he saw her; he saw Kate; he relived everything that happened to him that night. He got up out of bed, moving quietly as to not wake Lydia up and walked into their en-suite bathroom. He stood over the sink looking at himself in the mirror, noticing the small cuts on his face, and the giant bandages across his shoulder and chest. He closed his eyes trying to get rid of the memory, but it wouldn't work, he gripped the sink, his knuckles turning white as his breathing hitched. He looked down, squeezing his eyes shut tighter, trying to calm his breathing, but instead it felt like he was suffocating, and he began to gasp for breath. Breathing in heavily as if there was no oxygen in the room.

His heavy breathing woke Lydia up. She sat up looking around the room to find the source of the noise, once she noticed Stiles in the bathroom she spoke.

"Stiles?" she said

He didn't answer, instead he turned around before walking out the doorway, clutching his chest and crumbling to his hands and knees on the floor. Lydia immediately got out of bed running to his side.

"I.....can't breath.......I can't breathe" Stiles managed to gasp out.

She knew this wasn't a panic attack and that he was genuinely having trouble breathing, so she quickly got up running to their drawers and opening the 3rd one and rummaging through the clothes until she found an inhaler that they kept in there for emergencies, like if Scott was over and his asthma came back. She went back his side giving him 3 puffs of the inhaler and his breathing began to steady itself.

Once he could breathe again, Stiles lay his head on her lap. "I see her every-time I close my eyes, I see it all happen again" he whimpered. Lydia ran a hand through his hair, shushing him, calming him down.
"Your okay, she can't hurt you anymore" she said. She continued the action and shortly after he fell asleep and so did Lydia.

Another part for you all!
Yes I know I said there would be 20 vampires but i realised that would be very unfair for the final fight and would probably result in everyone dying so I made it less.
Man Stiles cannot catch a break, it now looks like he has some ptsd.
Anyway hope you enjoyed this part and stayed tuned for the next one which should be out by Wednesday or Thursdays.

PS- I'm thinking this story will have about 15 parts maybe a couple more, but just so you know we are almost finished and I am planning on doing another fanfic after this one.

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