Ways to kill

718 15 5

3 days later

Lydia stood on the freshly cut grass, flowers in her hand, looking down at the gravestone in front of her. She tried to think of something to say but nothing sprung to mind, she crouched down placing the flowers in front of the stone and brushing her hand over the name it read, she finally gained the courage to speak, "Hey Allison" she spoke "it's been while, I know I haven't visited since the funeral but I just couldn't bring myself too and I'm sorry; I'm sorry for everything for not being there when it happened and for not warning you in time but I just couldn't leave him. I know you would be happy for us and if you were here you would be saying 'I told you so or about time' and I regret not listening to you before but now I know what you meant about seeing him there and not being able to breath until I am with him. Right now I feel like I am slowly suffocating because I can't be with him properly and I just can't lose him because losing you was hard enough but I just can't imagine what I would do if I lost him as well; if I lost both of my best friends. I miss you everyday Allison and I will see you soon, I promise" At this point tears were grazing her eyes, she slowly rose to her feet, staying there for a few more minutes before Scott approached her from behind, standing next her he looked at the grave.
"Are you okay?"he asked

"Yeah, how did you know I was here?"

"Werewolf sense of smell" he smirked

They both looked back at the grave stone.

"I miss her so much" Lydia uttered, a few tears rolling down her face.

Scott wrapped his arm around her waist pulling her into his side as she lay her head on his shoulder, "so do I"

They stood like that for a few minutes before Scotts phone rang, he unattached himself from Lydia and answered, it was Derek.

"Hey Derek, did you find out anything from Argent?"

"No he didn't know that much, he hasn't really encountered any vampires, but we went to Deaton, he knows some stuff that might be useful"

"Right okay, we will come round now, you at the clinic?"

"Yeah we are"

"Ok see you soon"

"Hey Scott"


"We heard about Stiles and I'm sorry, trust me we will deal with Kate when we get the chance"

"Yeah thanks" Scott replied and then hung up.

He explained the phone call to Lydia before they went back to her car to head to the animal clinic.

"I'll phone Malia, tell her to meet us there she is with Noah at the hospital watching over Stiles" Scott said.

Lydia nodded in agreement and started the car.


Scott and Lydia arrived the same time as Malia, walking in the doors, the sign reading 'closed', they were met with Derek and Deaton. Derek greeted the three with a caring hug.

"Where's Theo?" Scott asked looking around the room.

"He went to check up on Liam and tell him everything that has happened" Derek replied

Scott just nodded, then Deaton spoke "Now about these vampires. I have heard of some of them recently, the pack you are referring to is a new pack formed of mainly newborns which are the strongest of their kind until they get older, they have a leader and as of right now I have not learned their name but they are powerful. Now Scott there is no way you could beat a full pack in a physical fight, they are a lot stronger, faster and more physically enhanced than you" Deaton explained looking at the 4 of them, "which is why I think you should use these" he said pulling a black briefcase out from a cabinet behind him "now Scott most of these are used to kill and I know you have your moral code of no killing but theoretically these creatures are already dead, considered to be immortal so you might have to consider killing in this instance as I don't think you will survive without. Now you would be able to knock them out with a hard enough hit to the head but they will heal very fast and are very much bulletproof so the option of guns is out, but in my experience there is 3 ways to kill a vampire, one way being direct sunlight, another is dismembering the body and the last one is a stake through the heart" he said holding out a wooden stake from the briefcase "then you need to burn the bodies. Also as they are still supernatural creatures there is another method which can still work" he spoke grabbing a jar from the counter.

"Mountain ash" Lydia spoke, Deaton nodded. 

"So basically you are saying we are screwed unless we kill them using these or decapitating them" Malia said, holding a stake, utterly scared.

"We will do what needs to be done this time, but killing is a last resort we can try and stop them without first but if that doesn't work then yes" Scott sighed "we will have to kill them, I know nothing should result to killing but if they are threatening the safety of innocent lives then it is what is best-"
Scott's speech was interrupted by the sound of his phone ringing, it was a unknown number, he answered putting it on speaker.

"Hello?" He asked

"Hey handsome"

"Kate?" Scott immediately got angry, clenching his fist, "what do you want?" He asked through gritted teeth.

"I just wanted to apologise for poor old Stiles, he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time, you see I was really there to kill you Scott" she chucked

"So if you were there to kill Scott why did you have to attack Stiles?!" Lydia yelled

"Because I wanted to hurt him emotionally before I hurt him physically, so how about we settle this now, Scott? You meet me here in the forest at 9 and we end this now, just you and me no help from Derek or your werecoyote girlfriend or your banshee sidekick" she asked

Scott looked around at the people around him getting sign of disapproval from the all, he couldn't let her get away he thought so he agreed, "fine I will be there"
He ended the phone call, looking at the rest of them
"Looks like we are going to get to deal with Kate a lot sooner than we thought"

Drama!! Drama!! Sorry if some of the vampire stuff doesn't make sense but I am still trying to work stuff out. Hope you are enjoying the story so far. There should be a new Part out by the end of the week, might see if I can get 2 parts outs, who know?

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