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The following day, the pack was going to visit Deaton to discuss the recent events and to see if they had found a way to stop the vampires without killing them. Stiles still hadn't been informed about Kate.

Scott and Malia arrived at Lydia and Stiles' house, Derek arriving not long after. The 3 noticed the tiredness of the couple, mainly Stiles; after the incident last night, he struggled to get a decent sleep, waking up every few hours from a nightmare or memory. Lydia agreed with Stiles to hold back telling the rest of them about Stiles' episodes, not wanting to worry them more than they already were.

They discussed and informed Stiles of what they knew so far after he missed all of it whilst being in the coma, before the left to go to the animal clinic.

The 5 of them rode in Stiles' jeep, with Scott driving as Stiles still wasn't fit enough. They got within a few blocks of the clinic when they heard something. Scott pulled over trying to locate where the noise came from. They all exited the jeep when they heard it again; it was a scream, not like a banshee scream like a scream of pain and desperation. They followed the noise towards an alley similar to the one the body was found in a week or so ago. The pack came to the entrance of the alley with Scott in-front, and they did not expect to see what they saw.

It was a man sinking his teeth into a young females neck, she couldn't do anything, she didn't move, it was like she was in shock. Scott moved to go towards her but it was too late, the man, who look ragged and pale dropped her lifeless body to the ground. He backed away from the body, turning towards the pack who stood staining at him. He looked at them with a smirk and wiped away the body the fell from his mouth with arm.

Scott became enraged that the man stood in front of them just took the life of an innocent, he clenched his fist and his eyes turned red. He let out a howl, shifting to a full Wolf before he charged at the vampire.

"Scott wait, DONT!" Yelled Derek but Scott didn't back down.

He tackled the vampire, both sliding along the ground. He clawed at him but the vampire managed to restrain him and get his feet out from under him and kick him towards the wall behind them. Scott hit the wall hard, falling to his knees, he stumbled back onto his feet and pounced on the vampire again. The vampire sidestepped him with his incredible speed, he wrapped an arm around Scott throats; holding him in a headlock. Scott tried to wiggle free but the vampire was too strong. With his other hand the vampire grabbed Scott shoulder twisting and shattering the bones. Scott let out a howl of unbearable pain before the vampire let go of him and he crumpled to the ground.

"SCOTT!!" Malia shouted, her eyes flashing blue and claws extended.

She ran towards the vampire but before she got there he was already knocked out, Derek had managed to sneak round behind him during his fight with Scott and knock him out with Stiles' aluminium baseball that was in his jeep.

Derek and Malia ran towards Scott side, who was still a mess on the floor, groaning in pain. Derek barely touched him when he tried to examine him when Scott let out a yell of agony.

"All the bones in his right half have been shattered, we need to get him to Deaton now to reposition them before his accelerated healing kicks in" Derek explained "Stiles, Lydia you take him to the clinic, me and Maila will deal with this guy and then meet you there"

Stiles helped Derek, gently lift Scott into the jeep. Before they sped off towards the clinic. Malia watched as they drove off, worried about her boyfriend, Derek put a comforting hand on her shoulder and they proceeded to clean up the scene and restrain the vampire that still lay unconscious on the floor.

Sorry for the late update and short part  but was just very busy and had no time to post. Anyway hope you are enjoying it so far, next part should hopefully be out by the end of the week, but no guarantee as it is my birthday tomorrow and I am working the next few days after that.

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