Blood Moon

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Lydia screamed sending the female vampire that was trying to attack her backwards, she stumbled up but couldn't get her bearings as she was disoriented from the scream. Derek came up behind her thrusting a sliver stake through her heart and she feel to the ground. Derek and Lydia smiled at each other before returning to the fight.

Theo and Liam were were tag teaming one of the male vampires, they each threw a few punches and slashes each before the vampire was almost knocked out and Theo took one of the stakes and thrusted it through his heart.

Scott fended off two vampires with the help of Lydia's scream. He turned his attention to Xander who was yet to get involved in the fight. He began to run at him but Malia noticing that he was going after him got to Xander first. Xander punched Malia so hard that it sent her flying in the air, Scott stopped and caught her, they fill to the ground Malia on top of Scott and immediately were surrounded by 4 vampires. Scott looks at Malia who nodded her head understanding what he was about to do, he grabbed her wrist and leg and swung her around in a circle, her free leg kicking the vampires in the face. They stopped looking at each other and smiling before they turned there attention back to Xander and went for the attack again.

Stiles paced the animal clinic waiting for some news, he couldn't take it anymore, he was getting more and more anxious by the second. He knew he shouldn't go but he worry that something would happen to Lydia or Scott was overwhelming and he couldn't just stand by and it do anything.

"Screw it" he muttered, grabbing the mountain ash wood stake that was left and exited the clinic climbing into his jeep.

He arrived at the forest not long after, he could hear the roars and screams in the distance and without a second thought he ran. He came to the clearing seeing everyone fighting, 4 of the vampires were already dead but there was still 6 and Xander left. He turned his attention towards a tree a few metres away, where Lydia was pushed up against, a vampire holding her by her throat inching his teeth closer and closer to her neck. Stiles had to do something but he knew he wouldn't be able to just go over there and start throwing punches, he had to divert the vampire away from her. With the stake in his hand he made a slash in his wrist drawing blood. Almost immediately every vampire turned their attention toward Stiles giving the pack enough time to kill 3 of them while they weren't looking. The vampire holding Lydia released her; and she fell to her knees coughing, the vampire looked at Stiles before running towards him. Stiles ran in the opposite direction but the vampire was too and tackled him sending them rolling down a hill towards a cliff edge, they stopped just before the edge and got up, Stiles grasped the stake in his hand tightly looking at the vampire in front of him before he pounced.


Scott and Malia clawed at Xander, the other pack members occupied with the remaining 2 vampires. Xander caught Malia off guard and threw her, she hit a tree hard and was left to sore to move. Scott attacked Xander again, clawing at his face and chest and landing a few punches. Xander swiped Scott legs out from under him and he fell to the floor, Xander leaned over him grabbing him by the throat.

"Finally, sorry Scott but looks like you and your pack weren't good enough" he said.

Xander raised his hand ready to kill Scott but once he got close enough.... BANG! A bullet crashed through Xander's head and he fell to the ground sideways. Scott looked up, al the other vampires were dead, he looked at where the bullet had came from, it was Argent.

"I got your voicemail" he said helping Scott up.

"Let me guess silver bullet?" Scott asked

Argent just chucked. They piled the bodies up, Argent pulling a lighter out of his pocket and throwing it on the pile setting it a flame. The stood watching the flames, when realisation struck Scott.

"Wait Stiles was here, where did he go?" He asked

"He diverted one of the vampires away from me" Lydia replied

There eyes widened as the heard a faint scream in the distance and they all ran towards it.


Stiles threw some punches but they didn't seem to do anything, the stake had been swiped out of his hand early in the fight. Stiles grabbed a log smashing it over the vampires head, it shattered but the impact made him stumble, giving Stiles time to go for the stake. He reached the stake grasping it in his hand but was then pushed up against a tree, the vampire placed an arm over his neck holding Stiles in place whilst he placed her other hand on Stiles' right shoulder. He pushed hard on Stiles' shoulder before a loud crack was heard, he dislocated his shoulder.

"Aaahhhhh!" Stiles yelled.

The stake slowly lost grip in his right hand, and he dropped it but as his left arm was free he caught it with his left and thrusted it into the vampires heart. The vampire stumbled back getting closer to the edge of the cliff, black blood flowed from his mouth. He was about to fall off the cliff when he grabbed Stiles' leg pulling him down with him. Stiles managed to grab onto a tree root that was outgrown over the cliff with his one good arm. He looked down at the vampire still grasping his leg and brought his other foot up and brought it down on his face and after a few kicks the vampire let go and plummeted to the bottom.

Stiles was relived but had no idea how he was going to pull himself up with one good arm. The branch began to become weak and you could hear it cracking, it wasn't going to hold on much longer.

"No no no no noo" muttered Stiles, and then it broke "Nooooo!"

He fell but didn't fall to far as Scott had caught him, Stiles looked up and breathed a sigh of relief. Scott pulled him up and helped him stand. He didn't even get a chance to thank him before Lydia enveloped him in a bone crushing hug, he groaned at the pain in his shoulder.

"What's wrong?" She asked letting him go from the hug.

"Eh, I think he dislocated my shoulder" he stated.

Scott then slapped him upside the head.
"Ow What was that for?" Asked Stiles

"I told you to not come for exactly this reason" explained Scott

"Did you honestly just expect me to sit by and wait" replied Stiles smirking

"Come let's go get that shoulder sorted" said Lydia wrapping an arm around Stiles as they walked towards the car.

Stiles, Lydia, Scott and Malia all went to the hospital (whilst the rest of the pack went home) where Melissa popped Stiles' shoulder back into place and gave him a sling to wear for a few week whilst it healed.

"Thanks" he said to Melissa

"No problem kiddo, just try not come back here for awhile. Lydia keep an eye on this one" she chuckled

"Oh that reminds me" said Stiles

He got up standing in front of Lydia and grabbing her hand, "Lydia you have been amazing these past few weeks, helping me get back on my feet after the incident, and I can't imagine my life without you. I also believe that many moons again you promised that one day you would marry me so......." Stiles got down on one pulling a ring box out of his pocket and opening it, Lydia covered her mouth with her hand as tears brimmed her eye. "Lydia Camille-Grace Martin will you marry me?" he asked.

"Yes" she replied before attacking his lips and embracing him in a hug. He placed the ring on her finger and hugged her again. Cheers were heard from Scott, Malia and Melissa who later congratulated them with hugs before they decided that it was best to go home, after such a long day.


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