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*Warning!!- this part contains some gory descriptions*

"We have an opportunity" spoke Monroe, entering through dark room in the armoury. "One of my tech guys picked up a phone call from Scott. He is meeting another supernatural creature at the Preserve, to get some revenge.

"Yeah and what are we supposed to do" asked the vampire

"I say we go down there and we show them what we are capable of, give them a taste of what is to come, beside they others aren't here for another couple of days so now your chance to be introduced to the guy you will soon be taking down" Monroe explained

"Finally something I can sink my teeth into" he joked

"Let's go then" she replied, picking up a sniper rifle and exiting the armoury.


The pack arrived at the Beacon Hills Preserve at exactly nightfall, the wandered into the woods till they reached a clearing, where there stood Kate.
Scott took a few steps forward, away from Malia, Derek and Lydia and towards Kate; stopping a few foot away from her.

"We don't have to do this Kate" Scott remarked.

"Oh but we do, you see I have been waiting to do this for years"  she replied

"Why?! What so this vendetta you hold against Scott?" Malia asked

"Well it plain and simple really because he destroyed my family"

"I destroyed nothing, you and Gerard did that on your own" Scott knew there was no getting through to her and that this would end in a fight, "i'm done trying to reason with you Kate, let's just get this over with" Scott roared and flicked out his claws; eyes glowing red.

Kate did the same; eyes glowing green, claws retracted and letting out a growl. They both took a step forward but before anything could happen a shot was fired, hitting Kate in the back of the shoulder. She yelled out in pain bending over on the dirt, before stumbling back up onto her feet. Scott took a step forward to go to her but stopped as soon as a man appeared out of no where right behind her, arm wrapping around her neck with the other other grasping the top of her head.  Kate tried to over power him but it wasn't working, he began choking her and pulling her head back. Scott knee what he was trying to do, "Hey!" he shouted taking another small step toward them reaching a hand out but it was to late. In a blink of an eye Kate's body dropped to the ground, the man holding her head and then throwing it down at Scott feet; he had ripped her head off, using his supernatural strength. Everyone's jaw dropped, shocked at what they just witnessed. The man stared at Scott with an evil glare.

Scott finally spoke after a few minutes, "why did you do that?"

"Just to give you a taste of what is to come" he replied

"Who are you?"

"The name is Xander but I think you already know what I am" he said flashing his fangs at Scott, startling him slightly.

"What do you want?" Asked Derek

"It simple really, for you to die so I can have your power" Xander said pointing a finger at Scott, Monroe then appeared out from behind a tree joining Xander at his side, "and as soon as the rest of my pack arrive, I will get what I came for"

"I did warn you" uttered Monroe, looking at Lydia.
Then they just sped off, Xander using his supernatural speed to run them away.

The pack stood there staring at the headless body and the head that lay next to it, completely shellshocked that no one could utter a word, there thoughts were interrupted when Lydia got a text from Melissa.

Melissa: Tried to call but got no answer, trying to let you know that he is awake; Stiles is awake.

Lydia looked up from her phone with a small smile and tears brimming her eyes, whilst everyone was still looking at the body, "Scott" she spoke. Scott looked up at her, "Stiles is awake"

Scott's eyes widened, before he looked back down at the body, contemplating on what to do, "you go, go see him, we will deal with this then come meet you" he said.

Lydia wouldn't argue with him, she really wanted to see Stiles, so she immediately made her way toward her car and drove to the hospital.


Stiles sat up in his bed, bandages wrapped around his torso and shoulder. He swung his legs over the side of the bed and tried to gain enough strength to push himself up, but failed, letting out a few grunts of pain. He sat there for a few seconds before he heard running heels clicking down the corridor, they stopped when they reached his door which was wide open, he looked up seeing a strawberry blonde girl standing in the doorway; Lydia.

Immediately seeing her his eyes began to water as did hers. She rushed over to him falling to her knees looking him in the eye and holding his face.

"I thought I lost you, your heart stopped" she spoke between tears.

Stiles took her hand of his cheek and place it over his heart gently, avoiding any pressure that would cause him pain, "don't worry, it's beating now" he sniffled.

Lydia smiles and wrapped her arms around his waist and placed her head on his lap while Stiles wrapped his arms around her shoulders.

They sat there for the rest of night, sobbing into each other's arms until the rest of the pack arrived.

😁 Hope you enjoyed this part! Thought it was about time we ended the whole Kate fiasco and now we know the name of the vampire; Xander. Stiles is awake! But do you think he is okay?
Don't forget to comment and vote if you liked it. Thanks, next part might be out tomorrow or Wednesday.

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