Uninvited Guest

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The pack arrived at Dereks loft where Liam was having the party, although Derek moved out he still owned the building so he was cool with letting him have it there.

Scott, Malia, Stiles, and Lydia stood outside the door, they could already here the music and could see the flashing lights illuminating from around the door. Scott slid the door open, and they walked down the stairs entering the party. They were met by Liam, Theo, Mason and Corey.

"Hey Guys" shouted Liam, so he was heard over the music.

"Hey" the four replied.

The shared a few hugs before joining the party. Scott and Stiles got drinks for the girls whilst they chatted.

"How you doin?" Asked Scott whilst pouring a drink.

"I've been better, I'm still having trouble sleeping and I still have the feeling that she is right by me. And even though I know she's dead I still see her sometimes. I don't know man I feel like it will just take some time before I get her out of my head" Stiles sighed looking down.

Scott didn't say anything back, he just put a hand in his shoulder and offered him a reassuring smile. They headed back towards there girlfriends, handing them there drinks. The girls then dragged them onto the dance floor. Scott just stood there, uncomfortable with the situation before Malia took the lead and started dancing around him (kinda like what she did with Kira in 4x01) getting him more in the mood. Stiles was dancing embarrassingly whilst Lydia let out a small chuckle. They danced mike that for awhile before the DJ switched to a slow long and Scott wrapped his arms around Malia's waist as she put hers around his neck, Stiles and Lydia did the same.

They swayed for a few minutes, stiles stealing a few kisses from Lydia during the song. She then leant her head on his shoulder and he smiled. He scanned the crowd noticing Theo and Liam making out in the corner whilst Mason and Corey talked against the wall, he continued to scan the crowd, passing a blonde where he done a double take, it was Kate and she was looking right at him smiling, he squeezed his eyes shut them opened them again looking back at the same spot; she was gone.

Stiles looked down at Lydia, "I'm going to get some air" he spoke

She looked up, "sure, you okay? Do you want me to come with you?"

"No I'm fine, I will be back in a few" he replied kissing her cheek, before waking off.

Lydia looked over towards Scott and Malia who had stopped dancing, they were already looking at her with a look of concern on their face.


Stiles walked out to the balcony, inhaling the cold midnight air and leaning over the wall looking down.
After about 5 minutes he decided to go back in, he walked toward the door but was stopped when someone jumped down in front of him. He slowly stood up straight, smiling devilishly at Stiles. Stiles eyes widened in fear. He was then grabbed by the throat a swing round against the wall and lifted into the air.

"Who are you?" he managed to say.

"I'm sure you've heard of me Stiles, I'm the big bad vampire that's come to kill your best friend, but you can call Xander" he smirked gripping tighter on Stiles' neck causing him to gasp for breath.

Hey guys, sorry for the late update and the short part, but i am hoping to get the story finished in the next couple of days (there is 3 parts left) because I really want to move on to my next story which will be a Spider-Man Stiles fanfic. Anyway hope you enjoyed this part and don't forget to vote and comment.

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