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5 hours later.......

Scott, Malia, and Lydia were in the waiting room, holding each other hands. Melissa entered after exiting the surgery, head down and exhaling a deep breath. The 3 stood up awaiting news from her.
"The surgery went well, we managed to remove the bullet and stitch up the claw marks, but-" she paused looking down before looking back up to their worried faces, "we have had to put him in a medically induced coma for now, because the damage done to his lungs from the bullet and the broken ribs that were applying pressure there is no way he would be able to breath normally on his own until it heals" she explained.
Lydia took a step back, gasping and covering her mouth at what she was hearing, falling back onto her seat. She looked back up at Melissa, "how long will he been in the coma?" Lydia asked, still holding Scott's hand for comfort.

Melissa shook her head. "We don't know, it all depends on how fast he heals, but even though the surgery went well there still is a risk that something could go wrong so it will be touch and go for awhile"

"Can we see him?" Scott asked.

Melissa nodded. "They are just moving him to ICU, you can see him shortly" she replied offering a small smile.


Chris stood with Derek and Theo. "So you are telling me there is a pack of vampires coming here to kill Scott. Why?"

"We don't know we were hoping you could tell us a bit about them?" Derek asked

"I'm sorry but I have never encountered a vampire before, I don't know that much about them, perhaps you would be better trying Scott's boss"

"Yeah, he might actually know how to stop them" Theo replied

Just then Chris' phone rang signalling he got a text, he looked at it, gripping his phone tighter after reading what it said, anger flooding his face.

"What is it?" Theo asked

"It's Kate, attacked Stiles" Chris muttered

"What, is he okay?!" Derek exclaimed

"He's in a coma" Chris replied, head drooping.

Derek and Theo just stared in shock trying to figure out what to do next, before Derek spoke up "We should go see Deaton, leave Scott and the others right now, they don't need us there right now overwhelming them"

"Right let's go" replied Theo.

They all left.


Lydia, Scott and Malia walked into Stiles' room, immediately taken aback by the sight of him bruised and bandaged, hooked up to machines and a breathing tube in his mouth. Scott grabbed Malia's hand squeezing it tightly. Lydia covered her mouth in shock trying to hold back more tears. They rounded to his bedside sitting on the chairs next to him, they sat there for awhile just staring at him not knowing what to say ;that could possibly make the situation any better, just listening to his heart monitor beep. After a few hours and some small talk Lydia spoke up "you guys should go, get some rest and let Stiles' dad know what happened" Scott and Malia just gave a tired nod and got up to leave, Scott turned to Lydia at the door " let us know if anything changes okay?" Lydia nodded.


As soon as they got home they immediately went to their room to go to bed, they phoned Stiles' dad on the ride home in the taxi after having to leave Scott's  bike at the hospital because it had no gas. Stilinski was very worried, expressing that he couldn't lose his son as well and that he would go to the hospital straight away, Scott reassured him and told him to go in the morning and he obliged.
Malia went straight into the bathroom to get ready, Scott just sat at the edge of the bed staring at the floor, going over in his head tonight's events. He managed to hold his emotions in to stay strong in front of Lydia and Malia but now he couldn't hold them in any longer and he began to sob, Malia exited the bathroom seeing Scott broken and walked over to him. He place his head on her hip and wrapped his arms around her waist hugging her tightly while she placed her hand in his hair rubbing it softly and he began to sob even more, Malia also letting a few tears slip as well. They stayed like that for about 10 minutes composing themselves before cuddling up in bed and falling asleep.

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