Blood Stained

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Lydia, Scott and Malia entered the house and they were immediately hit with the gut-wrenching scent of blood and it was like all time stood still. The moves towards the living room following the scent and found Melissa trying to stop the bleeding from Stiles wounds.

"Stiles!!" Lydia shouted, running towards her boyfriends side.

Scott just stopped taken back by the scene in front of him, he couldn't move. Malia noticed a trail of blood from Stiles body leading towards a bigger pile on the other side of the couch, she noticed something was written in it. Lydia interrupted her by asking "Stiles who did this to you?" but Stiles just coughed unable to form any words that was when Malia noticed it was a name written in the blood. Malia turned towards Scott who still hadn't moved, still staring at Stiles' wounded body. "Scott!" Malia exclaimed breaking him out of his daze, "look".
Scott wandered towards the blood then noticing the name "Kate?" he muttered. Lydia looked at him then back towards Stiles, holding his hand for comfort, "Kate did this to you?" she asked, Stiles just nodded.

His breathing became shallow as more pain courses through his body, squeezing Lydia's hand tighter. "What's wrong?" she asked looking at Melissa.

"He's been shot, I think the bullet punctured his lung and he has a few broken ribs which I think are adding pressure to his lungs, which is why he is having trouble breathing, not mention the claw marks has in his chest." Melissa explained, "I have already called an ambulance but he needs to get to the hospital fast, he is going to need immediate surgery." She added.

Lydia turned again towards Stiles, worry and tears staining her face. "Hey Stiles look at me, you are going to be fine, okay? We are going to get you help"
She looked towards Scott, Scott immediately understanding what she wanted him to too, he crouched down next to Stiles when Melissa stopped him, "No!" she said "remember what Theo did to Gabe, you take Stiles' pain in  this condition he will die" Melissa explained.

Stiles slowly lifted a hand towards Lydia's cheek, rubbing his thumb along, " I.......just.......need you to........know" he coughed a couple of times from the pain and the lack of air "to know........that.........I love you." He stated. His eyes drifting to a place on the ceiling. The ambulance then arrived.

"Hey Stiles, the ambulance is here, just stay with me okay? Stay awake" Lydia said shaking him, he turned towards her and managed a faint smile.

The paramedics then rushed in with a stretcher, hoisting Stiles onto out, him letting out groans of agony and discomfort and wheeled him out to the ambulance. The rest of them following close behind. Melissa got in the ambulance knowing she would have to be their to treat him, she looked towards the other 3, "only one of you can ride along with us" she said. Scott looked at Lydia "you go we will follow" he retorted, Lydia nodded getting in the ambulance and it sped off with blue lights flashing. Scott and Malia hopped in Scott's motorbike as it would be faster and easier to manoeuvre through traffic. They got within 2 miles of the hospital when the motorbike came to a slow stop "No,no,No!" Scott exclaimed "we are out of gas". They hopped off the bike, Malia turned to Scott "Scott you go, run to the hospital, go be with Lydia and will sort the bike and meet you there". Scott understood and gave her a quick kiss before running off.


Stiles was rolled into the hospital, nurses tending to him immediately as, Lydia and Melissa standing alongside as they made there way to the operating theatre. Stiles was become weaker as he now had lost a lot of blood, they need to operate on him now if he was to have any chance of survival. They made it to the doubles door; walking through, Lydia tried to follow but was stopped by a nurse "miss you need to wait outside she said, let the doctors do their job" she said. Lydia understood, standing at the windows that overlooked the theatre watching anxiously.

After around 10 minutes, Scott rounded the corner approaching Lydia out of breath, "Sorry the bike ran out of gas, I had to run all the way here while Malia's fixed it" he said panting. He stood next watching the surgeons operate on Stiles.

"How's he doing?" he asked

"I don't know, he lost a lot of blood on the way in here, they said the needed to operate on him now if he wanted at chance at surviving" Lydia choked out, tears now streaming her face, Scott noticed and pulled her in for a hug resting her head on his chest as she sobbed. Malia approaches from down the hall placing a comforting hand on Scott's back and a reassuring hand on Lydia's shoulder as she looked through the window.
Now all they had to do was wait.  


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