Eliminating the threat

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It was carnage, people were screaming and shouting. The guests left the party leaving the pack standing in the middle of the loft. Scott looked around them, to make sure everyone was there, when he realised someone was missing.

"Where's Stiles?" Asked Scott.

Before anyone could answer the door to the balcony was swung open, and Stiles was flung across the floor. Lydia ran towards him as he coughed and spluttered gasping for breath, she helped him stand up.

The pack looked towards the door, where there stood Xander. He entered the room, as he got closer, a few more vampires emerged from the shadows, joining him by his side. He looked at all of the pack before speaking.

"So this is who it is going to go down" he said smirking at Scott, "you and your precious pack are going to meet me tomorrow at the clearing in the forest at night and we are going to finish this, now I know I can't take you power Scott, but your kind pose a threat to ours, so I only have one choice but to eliminate that threat" he explained smirking.

"Why not just end it now, we are all here, what are you waiting for" replied Scott.

Xander laughed before answering, "tomorrow is the full moon Scott, which means we will all be at our strongest. So I ask you, do we have a deal?"

Scott clenched his fist, "Deal" he replied through gritted teeth.

Xander smiled before vanishing, leaving the pack to grasp what just happened.


The pack (consisting of Scott, Malia, Stiles, Lydia, Derek, Theo and Liam) went to Deaton the next day, to see if he had found out anything that could stop them without killing them.

"Now I found out a few things" said Deaton "First thing, Lydia your scream has a high enough pitch that will disorientate for a few minutes leaving them defenceless which should give you enough time to do some damage. Another thing..... silver reacts in very much the same way as it does to werewolves, it's a poison in them, which is why I took the liberty in making some silver stakes and a couple of mountain ash wood ones. Also Scott I know you don't want to kill them but you must remember that they aren't innocent in all this, so maybe that might be your best option"

"I know, and that is what I will have to do, I don't care what it does to the colour of my eyes" replied Scott

"No!" Shouted Derek


"No I am not going to let you, if you get me close enough to them I will kill them, it won't do anything to my eyes, there already blue, so I will kill for you" explained Derek

"So will I" joined Malia

"Me too" agreed Theo

Scott smiled admiring the courage and bravery of his pack members. "Wait, the mountain ash stakes how are we going to hold them?" Asked Scott

"Lydia and Stiles can hold them" replied Deaton

"Yeah about that, Stiles I don't think it's such a good idea for you to come" stated Scott

"What?!" replied Stiles

"Your still recovering physically and mentally I just think maybe you should sit this one out"

Stiles head dropped knowing he wouldn't be able to convince them. Nightfall was fast approaching so they had to go soon.

"We should go, I'll call Argent on the way, see if he has any silver bullets he can fire, I know there bullet proof, but they might work" Scott said leaving the clinic.

Lydia turned towards Stiles pecking him on the lips, she turned to leave when Stiles grabbed her wrist, "be careful" he warned, she just nodded and left to join the pack.


They arrived at the clearing all side by side, Scott wasn't able to get a hold of Argent but he left him a voicemail. At the other end of the clearing stood Xander and his army of bloodthirsty vampires.

They locked eyes, Xander being the one to speak.

"Where's you little sidekick, Monroe?" Scott asked

"I had no more use for her and I had to give the others something to build up there strength, so she is no longer with us" Xander replied smirking.

"Let's end this" Scott stated.

Claws were retracted, fangs were bared and roars heard and the fight begun........

Next chapter will be the fight and that is all I am going to say ;)

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