Unexpected Alliance

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Scott finished bandaging the dog the layer it on the floor. "Thanks Dr McCall" said the small girl, picking up her dog and walking out the clinic. Scott smiles as he watched he leave, his eyes then locked in Malia standing in the doorway were his smile grew even wider.

"Mm, I never realised how sexy Dr McCall sounded" she said with a grin on her face. She walked over to him while he wrapped his arms around her waist and walked backwards until he was leaning against the counter, he then kissed her passionately.

Just as this was happening Stiles and Lydia pulled up to the clinic in Roscoe, Stiles exited the jeep first running around to the passenger side to open the door for his girlfriend, earning a smile and a small peck on the lips. They walked into the clinic hand in hand and noticed the small make out scene that was unfolding in front of them.

"Ehh, hemmm" said Stiles clearing his throat to get the couple attention.

They both turned around blushing red with embarrassment.

"You would think that with the werewolf and werecoyote hearing, that you would hear us coming in" retorted Lydia, slightly amused by there flushed faces.

"Anyway all PDA aside, we were just dropping by to see if I could pop round to your house tonight to look over this new case we have, see if we can figure out what is going on?" asked Stiles

"What case?"replied Malia, confused.

"We found this body in this alleyway this morning, it had bites on its neck and sever bruising on the wrist, at first we thought it might of been a werewolf but any werewolf would rip apart there prey, so we were going to discuss it tonight" he explained.

"Sure bro you can come round, come by at 8 I'll be finished here by then" Scott replied.

"Ok well, I got to get back to the station, babe you alright to meet me there with Scott and Malia?" He asked, Lydia nodded and kissed him smoothly on the lips, he then waved goodbye and walked out the door.

"How much longer is this going to take?" Monroe asked.

"Don't worry, the rest of them will be here in the next few days" the man replied.

"I hope you know what your doing because I didn't just agree to this alliance because you are stronger than me, I agreed because we both want the same thing, Scott McCall dead and that doesn't put aside the fact that I am a hunter and you are a vampire"

"I know and once this is over I will leave you be because believe me if I wanted to kill you I would've done it already, now we wait for the other to arrive then we can begin our plan and soon Scott McCall will cease to exist"

Scott, Lydia and Malia were leaving the clinic when all of a sudden a pair of bright headlight drove up and out stepped......

"Derek?Theo? What are you guys doing here I thought you guys were looking for other werewolves?" asked Scott

"We were" replied Theo

"Then what are you doing here?"

They approached the trio before Derek answered, "we have a major problem".


Meanwhile at Scott and Malia's house.

"Scott?!" Yelled Stiles opening the door. 

"Malia?! Lydia?! Hello?!"

He looked around the dark house finding no one there, he came to the living room and pulled out his phone he was about to dial Lydia's number when something in the darkest corner of the room caught his eye. He quickly grabbed the gun from his holster and pointed it towards 2 glowing green eyes, he couldn't see who it was but knew they were familiar, they figure began to step forward, it wasn't until the light hit them that he realised who it was and his face dropped from anger to fear.

It was..........

Another Cliffhanger for you 😁 Who do you think it is? Monroe working with the new vampire?! Hope you are enjoying the story so far, don't be afraid to drop a comment on what you think.

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