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Scott pulled up to the scene on his motorbike. Stiles was there waiting for him in his sheriffs uniform. The alleyway was taped off with police tape and officers were wandering looking for any clues as to who did this.

"Hey dude!" Scott shouted over to Stiles.

"Hey man, follow me" he replied.

Stiles led Scott to a body bag lying on the floor at the end of the alleyway, Stiles crouched down and unzipped it, he then turned towards Scott.

"Take a look"

Scott crouched down examining the body, noticing the bite marks and the bruising on the wrists that Stiles had mentioned.

" I don't know man, the bite marks are too small for any wild animal to do this although it could be a werewolf but an werewolf would normally rip the body apart with its claws as well, which makes me think maybe it was another supernatural creature that done this, not one that we have came across before." Scott explained

"So do you have any idea as what creature done this?" Asked Stiles

" I don't know but I will send some photos to Deaton and see if he has any ideas"

"Ok but there is something else you should know as well."


"Monroe is back"

Scott's face went from confusion to shock.

"What how do you know" Scott asked.

" Lydia called me before you got here saying she was back in school, but we know she has no army but I bet you she still wants to kill us, people like her don't just change" Stiles said with clear concern in his voice.

"Ok well we will deal with all of this later, but right now I gotta get to the clinic" replied Scott trying to remain calm.

"Right thanks for you help, I'll see you later"

Scott walked off hopping on his bike and driving to the animal clinic.

Lydia was in her classroom marking papers, it was her free time before the end of the day to get some work done. She was almost at the end of her pile when she heard a voice, but she couldn't make it what it said.


She looked around the room to see where the voice had come from, she couldn't see anyone until she was suddenly teleported to the woods. She was surrounded by trees, but she knew what this was, it was a premonition. She walked through the forest touching the trees listening to the voices that were trying to tell her what was coming.


"We are coming for you"



She heard more screams of pain recognising who they were from.

"Scott, Stiles?" She said to herself.

At this point she was breathing heavily, panicking at all the information she was getting. She was brought out of her premonition by a knock at her classroom door.
Lydia turned to look at who it was, still breathing heavily from her previous moment.
It was Monroe. She came in smirking, taking a seat across from Lydia's desk. Lydia eyed her up and down before speaking, "what do you want?" she asked.

Monroe paused before answering, "what I always want, for all of you dead." she replied with clear aggression.

Lydia smiled to herself "Well, good luck with that because the last time I checked you have no army to help you" she said with some new found confidence.

"Just because I have no army doesn't mean I'm incapable of killing you all, I've picked up a few things over that past few years, like how to hunt better than that old fart I used to work with, Gerard." She leaned in closer, " so believe me when I say this, watch your back"
With that she got up and walked out the door.


Derek and Theo have been away from Beacon Hills for a few weeks now looking for new werewolves. They are currently in Vancouver, Canada.
They were walking through the outskirts of the city near the woods late at night. Derek turned towards Theo.

"So how are things going with Liam?" He asked.

"Pretty good, we talk every night on the phone, although with him being at college it's weird not having him by my side, you know? Very since we confessed are feeling for each other we are inseparable and now that he is at college it just feel like at part of me is missing"

Derek nodded as if understanding what he meant.
"I get it, I used to have someone like that, Braeden, then I left and so did she so we went are separate ways" He smiled remembering the memories of them together.

Theo was about today something before he stopped. "Do you smell that?"

Derek stopped sniffing the air and nodding, "blood"

They headed towards the wood, following the scent before coming to a clearing. They found 8 bodies in the floor, they had claws and fangs; they were werewolves. They heard a faint "help" at the far side of the clearing. Both of them ran towards the voice finding a boy around 19 covered in blood, bite marks all over him. They tried to take his pain away but it wasn't going to work the boy was going to die.

"What happened, who did this to you?" Derek asked

The boy coughed struggling with pain before answering, " Vampires, a full pack, around 10 of them"

Derek and Theo both looked at each other, terror and shock in their eyes, Derek looked back down towards the boy who was deathly still, he was dead.

"Derek" Theo said looking towards some trees in the distance. Derek rose to his feet looking in the same direction, his face dropped when he saw what Theo saw. 
Blood was on the trees writing out two words.


DAMN So much drama all ready, don't worry there is going to be even more 😊 Hope you liked the small cliff hanger I left you on and are enjoying the story. Managed to get some Thiam in there, but what did you think about this part? What is Monroe planning? And Vampires?

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