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"Kate?" whispered Stiles, fear and anger clearly evident in his voice.

"Hello, Stiles"

"What are you doing?"

"Well I was waiting for Scott to come home" she replied taking a few steps closer to Stiles.

"Why?" he asked

"So I could kill him, but now that you are here I guess I could settle for you because what better way to get Scott to come to me, by taking the life of someone he truly cares about; his best friend, his brother" she said, smirking devilishly at him.

"Now wait Kate! You don't have to do this. I know you hate Scott because he so called 'destroyed your family' but that was just Gerard messing with your mind but he is gone now so Scott is no longer an issue for you."

"I don't care! He ruined everything! He killed Allison! He broke my family!" She fully shifted into her werejaguar form, growling at Stiles, " Now I will breaks his"

Stiles rose his gun towards but before he could get a shot off she lunged herself at him, knocking his phone and gun out of his hands and across the floor. Stiles fell to the floor trying to hold her off but obviously with her supernatural strength he knew that wouldn't work. He kicked himself out from under her and stumbled to his feet. She tackled him again, throwing him over her shoulder and onto the table, breaking it. The pain resonated everywhere in his body, curling up into a ball Kate landed a few kicks to his rib cage, surely breaking a few. She then rolled him over punching him a few times in the faces, blood staining his features. He tried to hold her off but failed. Kate landed a very deep slash of her claws to his chest that would surely leave a scar; if he survived.
Kate backed off him, composing herself for round 2. Stiles coughed trying to breathe through the pain, he noticed his gun a couple of metres away from him, he tried to pick himself, he managed to crawl towards it. Kate watched him helplessly try to reach his gun. He did reach it, spinning himself round to fire a shot at her.


Stiles fell back to the floor. Kate had managed to pull a gun that was tucked into her trousers from behind and fired it at Stiles, just below his right shoulder. She smirked happy with what she had accomplished, she made her way over to him, he was trying to fight through the pain, reaching to his gunshot to try and stop the bleeding but the pain as so unbearable that he could move, just a few groans of pain escaping his mouth.

She crouched down to his ear level, "I'm not going to kill you right now, I want your friends to find you only when it's too late" and with that she left leaving, Stiles in a bloodied mess on the floor.


Meanwhile, Derek and Theo were explaining to Scott, Lydia and Malia about the pack the found slaughtered by vampires and Scott's name on the trees.

"They are coming for you Scott" Derek said, concern in his voice, "apparently there is at least 10 of them".

"No, they are not coming, they are already here. A body was found this morning with bites and bruising, at first we thought it might of been a werewolf but now it had to of been the vampires" explained Scott.

"Well we are going to find Argent see if he knows anything about them or how to stop them" Derek and Theo then left the clinic and drove off to find Argent.

Scott, Malia and Lydia looked at each other, worry in their eyes, Scott then looked at the time, "shit!" he exclaimed. "We were supposed to meet Stiles at our house 30 minutes ago".
Just then Lydia got a strange feeling and stumbled back as if she was about to faint, Malia caught her before she feel. "Woah, are you okay" Malia asked.

"No!" Lydia whisper-yelled. She quickly darted out of the clinic, Malia and Scott following close behind. As soon as she got out the doors she let out a scream. Malia and Scott covered their ears at the volume of it. Lydia turned towards them and uttered one word "Stiles" tears threatening her eyes. The couple were shocked, they 3 of them quickly jumped in Malia's car heading towards their home. Lydia grabbed her phone dialling Stiles' number. "Come on, Stiles, please pick up"


Stiles still lying on the floor trying to keep himself awake saw his phone illuminate in the dark room and heard his ringtone play, the phone was few metres away. He knew he had to answer to call for help but he could barely move with the pain coursing through his body. He managed to conjure up enough strength to roll himself over; a few grunts, groans and coughs of agony, and crawl towards his phone, but he couldn't get their in time and the call went to voicemail. The strength he exerted trying to reach the phone caused him to pass out.


Lydia's face dropped at the sound of his voicemail 'hey, this is stiles and you missed me, leave a message' she rang again and again still hearing the same message. "He not answering Scott!" Lydia exclaimed.

"I'll call my mum she only lives two houses down and get her to check and make sure he is all right" Scott replied dialling her number.

"He's not alright Scott! I screamed, that means he is either dying or is dead! I can't lose him again, not again" cried Lydia, tears now falling.

Melissa answered and Scott explained what Lydia felt and that Stiles could be dying. She hung up and quickly ran out of her house towards her son's. She reached the house finding Stiles on the floor, he was stills alive for now but she knew he needed immediate medical attention or he would die. She gathered some towels to hold on the slashes and gunshot wound. Then the door opened...........

Poor Stiles😢 I really am a horrible person😁 Do you think they will get him to the hospital in time?

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